Writing errors / status of DTS Package execution

  • Iam new bee in sql server 2000 .

    I Created a new Package and have written couple of Data Driven Query Tasks

    which is actually inserting/updating rows into the tables. I have a

    lookup function and iam checking that in actives script.

    i need to write error logs like if the taks fails(Data

    Driven Query Task) i have to record them in a text file and is the task is fine even then i have to record a log describing

    1) Status :: success or failure

    2) Number of records updated

    3) Reason for failure if status is success..

    I can create a text filke using CreateTextFile function in ActiveX Script....An i can write some matter into it...

    But i couldnt find a function which will tell me the number of rows

    inserted or updated...and i dont know the function which will give me the status of the row(whether updated or inserted) or even the total number of rows inserted.... Anyone can suggest the functions i have to use would be better ..



  • Hi Lenin,

    You can do this with a ActiveX Component provided by Microsoft. But you need to have SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit.

    Please follow the link. You will get everything you want.






  • First of all get rid of the Data Driven Query task. Using this task means your data load is done one row at a time.

    Import your records into a staging table first using a standard Datapump, or Bulk Insert task. This way you'll get maximum throughput. Once the data is in the staging table, you can run standard T-SQL procedures to scrub the data and remove any bad rows to an exception table.

    Then run insert/update/delete prcedures tp update the production table. This way you'll be able to get SQL error codes and row counts. You can log these to a table as well.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • "First of all get rid of the Data Driven Query task".

    Word...those things are utter crap.  If you follow phillcart's advice your processing will be much faster, and you will be able to do all the things you want (and some things you haven't thought of, yet).

    The tables where I log row counts, etc are standard across processes.  It was then trivial to write a report and hook it up to these tables, giving me a realtime dashboard of sorts.


    CREATE TABLE [Batch] (

     [BatchID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [BatchStartDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

     [BatchEndDate] [datetime] NULL ,

     [BatchDescription] [varchar] (500)  NULL ,

     [BatchOwner] [varchar] (100) NULL ,


     ([BatchID])  ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    CREATE TABLE [BatchDetail] (

     [BDid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [BatchID] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [Type] [varchar] (50),

     [Description] [varchar] (100)  NULL ,

     [DML] [varchar] (100)  NULL ,

     [TableName] [varchar] (100)  NULL ,

     [RowCnt] [int] NULL ,

     [StartDate] [datetime] NULL ,

     [EndDate] [datetime] NULL ,

     [TotalSecond] [decimal](18, 0) NULL ,

     [RowBySecond] [decimal](18, 0) NULL ,

     [IO] [decimal](18, 4) NULL ,

     [CPU] [decimal](18, 4) NULL ,

     [SPID] [int] NULL ,

     [SprocName] [varchar] (255)  NULL ,


     ([BDid])  ON [PRIMARY] ,


     ([BatchID]) REFERENCES [Batch] ([BatchID])) ON [PRIMARY]



    CREATE            Proc Batch_Insert

        @Description varchar(255),

        @BatchID int = NULL OUtput,

        @isSelect bit = 1


    set nocount on

    Insert  Batch (BatchStartDate, [BatchDescription])

    Select getdate(), @Description

    select @BatchID = scope_identity()

    set nocount off

    if isnull(@isSelect, 1) = 1


      select @BatchID BatchID




    CREATE   Proc Batch_Update

        @BatchID int



    Update Batch

    set  BatchEndDate = getdate()

    Where BatchID = @BatchID



    create          procedure BatchDetail_Insert

     @BatchID int,

     @SprocName  varchar(100)  = 'Not Provided',

     @Description varchar(100)  = 'Not Provided',

     @DML   varchar(100)  = 'Not Provided',

     @TableName  sysname   = 'Not Provided',

     @BDid    int    = NULL OUTPUT,

     @isSelect bit = 0


    set nocount on


    Insert BatchDetail (BatchID, SprocName, [Description], DML, TableName, StartDate, [IO], [CPU], SPID)

    Select  top 1 @BatchID, @SprocName,   @Description , @DML,  @TableName,  getdate(),




    from  master.dbo.sysprocesses s (nolock)

    Where s.spid = @@spid

    select @BDid = scope_identity()

    set nocount off

    IF @IsSelect = 0

    return @BDid


    Select @BDid as BDid




    create        procedure BatchDetail_Update

     @BDid int ,

     @RowCnt decimal = NULL



    Declare @decIO decimal (18,4),

      @decCPU decimal (18,4)

    Select @decIO  = s.cpu, 

      @decCPU = s.physical_io

    from  master.dbo.sysprocesses s (nolock)

    Where s.spid = @@spid

    Update BatchDetail

    Set  RowCnt   = cast(@RowCnt as decimal),

      EndDate  = Getdate(),

      TotalSecond  = datediff(ss, StartDate,  Getdate()),

      RowBySecond  = Case datediff(ss, StartDate,  Getdate())

           When 0 then @RowCnt

           Else cast(@RowCnt as decimal)/cast(datediff(ss, StartDate,  Getdate()) as decimal)


      [IO]  = @decIO  - [IO],

      [CPU]  = @decCPU  - [CPU]

    Where BDid = @BDid



    Signature is NULL

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