write text file using Sp

  • hi,

    how to write a .txt file from Sp.

    I have used this but not working

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo appended data >> c:\New.txt'

    could any one plz suggest,..

  • Create a SSIS package to populate the file, add the package to a job step and run sp_start_job.

    Personally, I would try to avoid xp_cmdshell.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • could u plz explain what u r trying to say..

  • Is writing File from sql server 2005 needed some rights for users,

    I am not able to write a text file from Server 2005...

    can any better suggestions that might work here

  • SQL Server will use the credentials of the connected user to access the external resources, unless you explicitly impersonate a different user. In the case of a Windows Login, you will try to write to disk using xp_cmdshell using the credentials of the Windows login. You can work around that using proxies.

    When you use SQL Server Agent jobs, you can set up a proxy account to run job steps other than T-SQL. I see this as a much more secure approach to the problem.

    That said, you can create a SSIS package that populates the file.

    When the package is ready and working, you can add it to a SQL Server Agent job step.

    From your stored procedure code, you can start the job using msdb..sp_start_job.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Alternate Solution: FileSystem Object (FSO)

    Reading and Writing Files in SQL Server using T-SQL


  • very simple echo > creates a file echo >> writes to the next line.

    declare @filename varchar(300)

    declare @sql varchar(200)

    declare @sql2 varchar(200)

    set @sql = ' echo off > ' + @filename

    exec xp_cmdshell @sql

    set @sql ='write to a file '

    set @sql2 = ' echo ' + @sql + ' >> ' + @filename

    exec xp_cmdshell @sql2

  • and to read a file into a temp table

    CREATE TABLE #file (

    line varchar(255) null


    INSERT #file EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'type c:\downloads\createjobs.sql';

    SELECT * FROM #file;

    --drop table #file

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