Write PowerShell Output to SQL Server Table

  • ajiteshmalhotra (8/11/2014)


    I have created the power shell script for database information.Please find the below query:-

    ForEach ($instance in Get-Content "C:\temp\test\sqlserverlist.txt")


    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO') | out-null

    $s = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server') $instance


    $dbs | SELECT Name, Collation, CompatibilityLevel, AutoShrink, RecoveryModel, Size, SpaceAvailable

    ForEach ($dbs in $dbss)


    $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=AITSSQL22; Initial Catalog=Workdb; Integrated Security=SSPI")


    $cmd = $conn.CreateCommand()

    $cmd.CommandText = $insert_stmt








    $insert_stmt = "INSERT INTO dbo.temp_ajmalh2(Name, Collation, CompatibilityLevel, AutoShrink, RecoveryModel, Size, SpaceAvailable)

    VALUES('$Name', '$Collation', '$CompatibilityLevel', '$AutoShrink', '$RecoveryModel', '$Size', '$SpaceAvailable')"





    But data is not going on database table. Could you please help me out for this.

    I am new in powershell.


    Ajitesh Malhotra

    $insert_stmt = "INSERT INTO dbo.temp_ajmalh2(Name, Collation, CompatibilityLevel, AutoShrink, RecoveryModel, Size, SpaceAvailable)

    needs to be before

    $cmd.CommandText = $insert_stmt

    Otherwise you have no statement to run. This is because strings are immutable objects that are treated as value types i.e. you assigned the value of $insert_stmt at that time i.e. null.

    Hope that helps.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • I have made a simple process and used the Script as SQL Job to populate the Table for historical as well Reporting purpose.

    #Connection information for the database server where the SQLInstances and DatabaseBackups tables reside

    = @{'server'='MySQLServer1';'Database'='Atul_Test'}

    Function writeDiskInfo




    if($totSpace -ne 0 -or $frSpace -ne 0)




    $usedSpace = $totSpace - $frspace


    $freePercent = ($frspace/$totSpace)*100

    $freePercent = [Math]::Round($freePercent,0)

    } else




    $usedSpace = $totSpace


    $freePercent = 0



    {    $freePercent=0 }

    $InsertResults = @"
    INSERT INTO [Atul_Test].[dbo].[DiskDetails](servername,DriveName,TotalCapacity,UsedCapacity,FreeSpace,FreeSpacePercentage)

    VALUES ('$SERVER','$devId',$totSpace,$usedSpace,$frSpace,$freePercent)


    invoke-sqlcmd @params -Query $InsertResults


    Function Get-ServerDiskStatus ($SQLInstance)


    $dp = Get-WmiObject win32_logicaldisk -ComputerName $SQLInstance| Where-Object {$_.drivetype -eq 3}

    foreach ($item in $dp)


    writeDiskInfo $SQLInstance $item.DeviceID $item.VolumeName $item.FreeSpace $item.Size


    #Grab our list of servers, iterate through them and call the function which rights to the database

    $Srv = invoke-sqlcmd @params -Query "SELECT ServerName from [Atul_Test].[dbo].[MyServersList]"

    foreach ($Instance in $srv){    Get-ServerDiskStatus $Instance.ServerName}

    Table Script :

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DiskDetails](

    [servername] [varchar](100) NULL,

    [DriveName] [varchar](3) NULL,

    [TotalCapacity] [decimal](15, 2) NULL,

    [UsedCapacity] [decimal](15, 2) NULL,

    [FreeSpace] [decimal](15, 2) NULL,

    [FreeSpacePercentage] [int] NULL,

    [logDate] [date] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DiskDetails] ADD DEFAULT (CONVERT([varchar](10),getdate(),(112))) FOR [logDate]


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