write a store procedure to generate report using SSRS2005

  • I created a store proc for my report in SSRS 2205 which accept multi value parameters. It accepts 3 inputs. Location and year is a multi value parameters and auditee is a single value param.

    However, when I select location= 'location A' and auditee='auditee A'. the query return all rows in 'auditee A' regardless the location. I expected it returned, rows in 'location A' with 'Auditee A'. Is there something wrong with my store proc?

    The following is my store proc, and the UDF for using multi value parameters in SSRS 2005


    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_PostponeReportByParam]

    @location nvarchar(100) = NULL,

    @year nvarchar(100) = NULL,

    @auditee nvarchar(100) =NULL


    SELECT audit_id,



    convert(varchar(10),planned_date, 101) as planned_date,



    year(created_date) as year,

    convert(varchar(10),postpone_date, 101) as postpone_date,


    FROM tbl_audit_postpone


    @location is null or site in (SELECT Item FROM dbo.Split (@location, ',')) and

    @year is null or year(created_date) in (SELECT Item FROM dbo.Split (@year, ',')) and

    @auditee is null or auditee = @auditee and

    current_status in ('Approved','Pending Postpone')


    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Split]

    /* This function is used to split up multi-value parameters */


    @ItemList NVARCHAR(4000),

    @delimiter CHAR(1)


    RETURNS @IDTable TABLE (Item NVARCHAR(50) collate database_default )



    DECLARE @tempItemList NVARCHAR(4000)

    SET @tempItemList = @ItemList


    DECLARE @Item NVARCHAR(4000)

    SET @tempItemList = REPLACE (@tempItemList, @delimiter + ' ', @delimiter)

    SET @i = CHARINDEX(@delimiter, @tempItemList)

    WHILE (LEN(@tempItemList) > 0)


    IF @i = 0

    SET @Item = @tempItemList


    SET @Item = LEFT(@tempItemList, @i - 1)

    INSERT INTO @IDTable(Item) VALUES(@Item)

    IF @i = 0

    SET @tempItemList = ''


    SET @tempItemList = RIGHT(@tempItemList, LEN(@tempItemList) - @i)

    SET @i = CHARINDEX(@delimiter, @tempItemList)





    Thanks for helping. 😉

  • Hi ,

    Could you please try the below thin and let me know,

    While running the report , using profile get the parameter values you are passing, then sun the SP separately in management studio for that combination and check what value you are getting..

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Try changing the where clause:


    (@location is null or site in (SELECT Item FROM dbo.Split (@location, ','))) and

    (@year is null or year(created_date) in (SELECT Item FROM dbo.Split (@year, ','))) and

    (@auditee is null or auditee = @auditee) and

    current_status in ('Approved','Pending Postpone')

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  • yeah , try changing the where clause as terraberry suggests.. there's a high chance of wrong output when you miss\exclude "()" when using "OR" & "AND"

  • ya. that really help!! thanks a lot.....

    it took me 2 days for me to look at the problem. 😛

  • You might want to have a look at the Tallytable article referenced in my signature. Part of it as a split string version that will outperform your loop in most (if not any) cases, but definitely on a larger data volume.

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