Wrap a varchar field based on character count and spaces

  • Hi Folks

    Because of a limitation on a piece of software I'm using I need to take a large varchar field and force a carriage return/linebreak in the returned sql. Allowing for a line size of approximately 50 characters, I thought the approach would be to first find the 'spaces' in the data, so as to not split the line on a real word.

    I've identified the spaces using that awfully clever tally table technique, but actually have no idea how to do accomplish what I need 🙁 Any ideas?

    I've included the tally stuff below, but it's probably a red herring for what I'm trying to achieve.

    --===== Simulate a passed parameter

    DECLARE @Parameter VARCHAR(8000)

    SET @Parameter = (select a_notes

    from dbo.notestuff as notes

    where a_id = '1')

    --===== Create a table to store the results in

    DECLARE @Elements TABLE


    Number INT IDENTITY(1,1), --Order it appears in original string

    Value VARCHAR(8000) --The string value of the element


    --===== Add start and end commas to the Parameter so we can handle

    -- single elements

    SET @Parameter = ' '+@Parameter +' '

    --===== Join the Tally table to the string at the character level and

    -- when we find a comma, insert what's between that command and

    -- the next comma into the Elements table

    INSERT INTO @Elements


    SELECT SUBSTRING(@Parameter,N+1,CHARINDEX(' ',@Parameter,N+1)-N-1)

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE N < LEN(@Parameter)

    AND SUBSTRING(@Parameter,N,1) = ' ' --Notice how we find the comma

    SELECT *

    FROM @Elements

  • a Slight modification to use an inline Tally table and my own String for demos

    --===== Simulate a passed parameter

    DECLARE @Parameter VARCHAR(8000)

    SET @Parameter = 'this is a very long string just being used to demonstrate the text splitting and hopefull it will be great than 50 characters long'

    --===== Create a table to store the results in

    DECLARE @Elements TABLE


    Number INT IDENTITY(1,1), --Order it appears in original string

    Value VARCHAR(8000) --The string value of the element


    --===== Add start and end commas to the Parameter so we can handle

    -- single elements

    SET @Parameter = ' '+@Parameter +' ';

    --===== Join the Tally table to the string at the character level and

    -- when we find a comma, insert what's between that command and

    -- the next comma into the Elements table

    WITH Cte_Tally





    Insert into @Elements

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@Parameter,N,1)

    FROM Cte_Tally

    WHERE N <= LEN(@Parameter);

    Select * From @Elements;


    Gets the position closest to 50 characters in each


    Select (Number / 50) LineSet, Max(Number) Position

    from @Elements where Value=' '

    group by (Number / 50);

    This will return the positions 47 and 99 for my test data, you might have to play around

    After that its simply a case of using the data to then split the string into its constituent parts.

    Unfortunately this doesn't exactly work I've just realised theres a flaw in the logic, the position after 47 should be 94 not 99 as this works on the assumption of 50 char blocks.

    You could possibly do this based on knowing what the last group split point was and then start from there, LAG would lead to a neater solution, but its not available in 2008,

    I have to get back to work now, I'll try and pick this up in the afternoon if I have a lull.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • WITH cteStart(N1) AS (

    SELECT t.N+1 FROM dbo.Tally t

    WHERE t.N < LEN(@Parameter)

    AND SUBSTRING(@Parameter,t.N,1) = ' '


    cteLen(N1,L1) AS (

    SELECT s.N1,

    ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ',@Parameter,s.N1),0)-s.N1,8000)

    FROM cteStart s


    words (N1,Word,Grp) AS (

    SELECT l.N1,SUBSTRING(@Parameter, l.N1, l.L1),CEILING(l.N1 / 50.0)

    FROM cteLen l


    groups (Grp) AS (


    FROM words




    SELECTw.word + ' '

    FROM words w

    WHERE w.Grp = g.Grp

    ORDER BY w.N1

    FOR XML PATH('')


    FROM groups g

    ORDER BY g.Grp

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Just returned to work and will try both of the suggestions - thanks for taking the time to offer solutions guys, it is much appreciated.

  • ldanks (12/18/2014)

    Just returned to work and will try both of the suggestions - thanks for taking the time to offer solutions guys, it is much appreciated.

    No problem I think David's solution is the one to try first as mine has a few flaws, and from what I can see his handles those reasonably well.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • There is also the following possibility using Jeff Moden's community-improved, delimited string splitter and a quirky update.

    DECLARE @Parameter VARCHAR(8000) = 'this is a very long string just being used to demonstrate the text splitting and hopefull it will be great than 50 characters long'

    ,@LineLength INT = 50

    ,@CurLength INT = 0

    ,@LineNumber INT = 0;

    DECLARE @Paragraphs TABLE


    ItemNumber INT

    ,Item VARCHAR(8000)

    ,LenItem INT

    ,LineNumber INT

    ,PRIMARY KEY (ItemNumber)


    INSERT INTO @Paragraphs

    SELECT *, LEN(Item)+1, 0

    FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(@Parameter, ' ');

    UPDATE @Paragraphs

    SET @LineNumber = LineNumber = CASE WHEN @CurLength + LenItem > @LineLength THEN @LineNumber + 1 ELSE @LineNumber END

    ,@CurLength = LenItem = CASE WHEN @CurLength + LenItem > @LineLength THEN 0 ELSE @CurLength + LenItem END


    SELECT Line=


    SELECT Item + ' '

    FROM @Paragraphs b

    WHERE a.LineNumber = b.LineNumber

    ORDER BY ItemNumber

    FOR XML PATH('')


    FROM @Paragraphs a

    GROUP BY LineNumber;

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