Working with Temp Tables

  • Let me thank you guys for your responses and better clarify by issue:

    -- Thanks Steve

    I have a Proc that returns one of two (will be more in the future) possible different row sets. The returned columns and criteria use in the selection vary depending on input parameters. The reason for selecting them into a temp table is so I can manipulate and resort the data into special groupings not inherit in the data. Then I return the row set from my temp table with sorting on that manipulated data.

    I need to use the same temp table name for each possible SELECT INTO scenario so I can use the same following manipulation process regardless of the scenario the data arrived from.

    -- Thanks Atif

    The "results" of using the EXECUTE statement are out of scope, the temp table within the EXEC statement doesn't exist after the execution is complete. I need the temp table to do the followup processing. I have not figured out a way to return an 'undefined' table as an OUTPUT variable of an EXEC, to the originating scope (session, batch or what ever it should be called).

    -- Thanks William

    Dropping an existing Table is not the issue because it doesn't exist, only the runtime "thinks" it does because it is "mentioned" in an previous unexecuted portion of the script.

    -- Thanks Mike01--

    Adding the precess logic to the sql string to be executed would be more difficult than duplication it after every possible possible source data.

  • Another Option;

    Create Table #tempA


    AID int,

    ACol1 varchar(100),

    ACol2 varchar(100)


    Create Table #tempB


    BID int,

    BCol1 varchar(100),

    BCol2 varchar(100),

    BCol3 varchar(100)


    IF 1 <> 1


    Insert into #tempA

    Select ID,Code,[Name] From dbo.countries

    Select * from #tempA

    --And Further Logic of on #tempA




    Insert into #tempB

    Select ID,Code,[Name],Region From dbo.countries

    Select * from #tempB

    --And Further Logic of on #tempB


    Drop table #tempA

    Drop table #tempB

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  • I dont think that the Logic of both results will be same. What I mean is that the logic for Condition 1=1 would be different from the logic of 1=0 (as you are creating temp table from different sources.)

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  • The reason your first method did not work is that the optimizer does not parse conditional when it generates a query plan. So it tries to generate a plan for every statement in the procedure without trying to determine if it would need to execute all of the statements. Therefore, it sees it as if you are trying to create two temp tables with the same name and returns an error.

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  • Hmmm. After the EXEC the temp table goes out of scope.

    OK, so the solution is...don't use a temp table:


    DROP TABLE myTemp1

    IF 1 <> 0


    EXEC sp_executesql N'Select * INTO myTemp1 From TableA'




    EXEC sp_executesql N'Select * INTO myTemp1 From TableB'


    SELECT * FROM myTemp1

  • If you use this option, be sure to explicitly drop the table when done with it. However, this option has the problem that the option can only be used one at a time. If two instances of the procedure try to run, it won't work because the table will already exist.

    The better option is to use multiple procedures. This is also better for performance.

    Create Procedure dbo.ChildProc1


    Select *

    Into #myTemp1

    From sys.tables

    Select *

    From #myTemp1


    Create Procedure dbo.ChildProc2


    Select *

    Into #myTemp1

    From sys.procedures

    Select *

    From #myTemp1


    Create Procedure dbo.ParentProc

    @InputValue bit


    IF @InputValue = 0


    Exec dbo.ChildProc1




    Exec dbo.ChildProc2



    Exec dbo.ParentProc 0


    Exec dbo.ParentProc 1


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  • -- parent session

    IF 1 <> 0


    -- child session 1

    exec ('Select 1 as col INTO #myTemp1 ')




    -- child session 2

    exec ('Select 2 as col INTO #myTemp1 ')


    -- child session 3

    exec ('select * from #myTemp1')

    if you create temporary table in the parent seesion, it can be seen and avilible to child session 1 ,2 and 3. Temporary table created in child session 1 can't be seen at parent session , neither same level child session.

  • Not a "good" option, but an option:

    Try global ##temp tables with the entire procedure name and @@SPID placed in the table name... if you get really paranoid, an a 6+ digit randomly generated number to the name as well, just to reduce the chances of a collision more.

    Note that you need to ensure that the naming convention is always the same, so you don't have some other stored procedure with the same name running.

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