November 28, 2007 at 9:56 am
I need an iif conditional like this:
=iif(fields!carrier.ismissing, " ", "carrier name is "(fields!carrier.value))
in this example if the field carrier is missing or is nothing then nothing is returned; otherwise the text "carrier name is " and "the field value is returned.
I also need something like this:
=IIF(Fields!carrier.Value Is Nothing," Nothing", IIF(Fields!carrier.Value like "%Sprint%","Sprint/Nextel",Fields!carrier.Value))
November 29, 2007 at 9:48 am
Try something like this:
iif(isnothing(Fields!carrier.Value),"","Carrier Name is: " & Fields!Carrier.Value)
and for the second one:
iif(isnothing(Fields!Carrier.Value),"Nothing",IIF(Fields!carrier.Value like "%Sprint%","Sprint/Nextel",Fields!carrier.Value))
November 29, 2007 at 10:16 am
Thx for responding, I asked around and solved the issue, here is the solution; also learned that wildcards in SSRS is an asterick not a % like "joe*" not "joe%".
=IIF(Fields!carrier.Value = "","","- carrier name is " & iif(Fields!carrier.Value like "carrier1*" or Fields!carrier.Value like "carrier2*" or Fields!carrier.Value like "CARRIER3*" or Fields!carrier.Value like "Carrier4*","UniqueCarrier",Fields!carrier.Value)).
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