Working as SQL DBA in Canada

  • I am currently working as development dba support in the UK. I wish to emigrate to Canada, but am finding it difficult to break into the job market. If there are any ex pats working in Canada, I'd appreciate any friendly pointers to securing employment in Canada.

  • Me too 🙂

    I'd take pretty much anywhere in continental North America. Or Australia. Before we end up with a hung parliament here and the UK goes to hell in a hand cart.

  • Andeavour (4/26/2010)

    hung parliament

    Mmpphhh, you said "hung parliament"!

    Amazing what a warped, depraved mind can twist around to meet his or her humor needs. And it's Monday, no less. Usually, I am in a foul mood on Monday. Today, all is cool. Just waiting for the proverbial "other shoe to drop". That'll wipe this smile right off my face! 😉

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

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