word to sqlServer 2005 (automated)

  • hiya,

    I am trying to find the simplest way to load tables in a word document to sql server 2005.(unfortunately, this has to be automated, so that the user doesn't  mess it up :-))

    I have created the table in sqlServer 2005.

    Each row in the word doc table corresponds directly to a  row  in this table.

    I have seen an article on how to do it in sql2k:


    Does yukon offer any simpler ways to do this?

    I'm also using vis studio 2005.


    many thanks,


  • Not sure about Word, but if it were me and I had the data in Excel, I would import it into Access then link to the SQL table, create an append query that would take the Excel data you import and append it to the Linked SQL table.

    Better yet, if you got rid of the word document all together, you could have the user type the data into a Excel spreadsheet, link the spreadsheet, link the SQL table then do the append every time you open the database.


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