Wonderful work on the site but where did the stars go to?

  • Hm, had to google on Hap Arnold.

    Never thought you are that military, Brian.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Dragonfly ... got it.  It's an interesting look.

    Hap Arnold ... I also had to Google him.  Is he one of your heroes, or do you just think he looks cool?

  • Hap Arnold is considered one of the founders of the modern US Air Force and his buttons are authorized for what we call our mess dress (looks like a tuxedo with shoulderboards indicating rank). I spent four years on active duty in the US Air Force as an officer and am currently sitting in Ready Reserve status (basically means I'm inactive but can be called up faster than some others). My family is a military one... of the males of my generation, only one has not spent any time in the military. My father and two of his brothers were military. My mother's brother-in-law died on active duty, though of lukemia. My wife's family is military, with her father and an uncle serving in Vietnam and her grandfather serving in WWII.


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Please don't get me wrong on this. But I did my civilian service ?!? (hope that's right translated ). Besides some other aspects, I will never understand why I should stand tight and follow orders from someone I might consider a cretin whom I don't want to spent time with outside the barracks only because he has one more stripes on his shoulder. Not to start some discussion on politics here, but it's interesting to see such fundamental differences.

    Hell, all world would crucify someone from Germany who says he respects Rommel or von Richthofen. Without saying one word more that person would inmediately labelled as some kind of brown sh*t.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • As they say, respect the rank, not the person. The rank and command structure is in place to make dissemination of orders and reacting to loss of commanders as much as possible. While this means you have issues with folks who shouldn't have the rank, generally the system works. I had to fall back on the saying a few times myself.

    As far as respect of Rommel or von Richthofen, I would disagree. Both command a great deal of respect in military circles. While I don't know the personal lives of either men very well, from a military perspective both were considered geniuses. Yes, von Richthofen got a lot of his kills from the use of his wingmen, but then again, it proved a concept in air combat about the value of a good wingman. Therefore, von Richthofen's military genius shines through. Rommel's genius needs no explaining. Even Patton had a great deal of respect for that man.


    K. Brian Kelley

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