wmi_mssql_transactionpersec is critical

  • what happens if we increase the RAM and the processors ?

    will it bring the transactions per sec down

  • RamSteve (4/8/2010)

    what happens if we increase the RAM and the processors ?

    will it bring the transactions per sec down

    No, there are n number of transactions that occur in your database. Those transactions will occur regardless of hardware. In theory, adding hardware may increase your transactions in any one given second (while decreasing them in subsequent seconds).

    What you need to do is to run profiler, get an understanding of your baseline. Fromn there, you can investigate if what, if anything is going on.

    Your 200/400 thresholds are largely meaningless, they were not chosen bor business reasons, they were chosen because management like the round numbers, they were chosen without any investigation. Your transactions will not decrease unless you identify a code problem, reduce the number of users, or quit running jobs.

    I really don't think you have a problem, you have not complained of performance issues, just some magical threshold that is being crossed.

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