WMI error trying to install SQL2005

  • 2005 has been a nightmare for me so far. I uninstalled client, trying new install of 2005 gets "WMI error:2147746132(0x80040154). Nothing I've found seems to work. Am I looking at re-installing Windows?

  • Hex code means.....

    Error Result : 0x80040154   ( -2147221164 )


    Error Type : OLE HRESULT Error

    Facility : FACILITY_ITF   0x00000004   ( 4 )

    Severity : SEVERITY_ERROR   0x00000001   ( 1 )

    Code : 0x00000154   ( 340 )

    Source Error file : Winerror.h

    Message Text : Class not registered

    I would suggest you to contact Microsoft PSS and take their help

  • I have not done an install since March of this year... and do not have one here to play with; but this error is familar.  I would recommend that you search for article about how to uninstall and cleanup the box.  There were a ton of them out there, and they were different depending on what version you were uninstalling... so I won't go into that.  I wouldn't call MS yet... just make sure the old client is completely GONE... and then do a fresh install.  We got so tired of rebuilding that we have several ghost images... but we were also dealing with betas for several months, and the "GA" (general availability)...  The WMI error was perplexing, to be sure.  It was ALL in the cleanup.

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

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