WMI Connection Manager

  • I am attempting to run a WMI script to bring back information on a group of servers. I have created a package in which I have created a variable to list the servers in the group, which is passed into a ForEach Loop container. The variable is then used to set the server name in the WMI connection manager for the WMI Data reader task in the loop container.

    However, when I run the package the variable is not passing the information to the WMI connection manager and is therefore only pulling back the information for the server the package is on.

    Can a variable be used to set the server name for the WMI connection manager?

  • See if this discussion will help you. I'm still trying to get it to work myself.

  • I over came the problem by running wmic with a list if servers in a text file.

    e.g. WMIC /FAILFAST:on /NODE:@filename.txt SERVICE WHERE "name>'MSSQL' and name outputfile.tsv

    I run this in a script task in a SSIS package. works well and means I can run multiple WMIC commands at the same time, something that can't be done running it through xp_cmdshell. It also runs wicker than in the script task than in the SQL task running xp_cmdshell task.

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