• Hi, I read that the above clause encrypt text of a SQL object (SP, view....)

    How can an administartor or the developer who wrote can read it back(Is it possible to decrypt it)?

  • It is very possible to decrypt, especially if you have sysadmin rights. SysAdmin rights:

    dOMNAR's SysComments Decryptor

    If you don't, but you have CREATE PROC rights, you'll need shoeboy's script (which is in various forms here and around the Internet).

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Scripts of your SP is in syscomments.text

    column. I Use this script to find SP by

    text (%???????????%) it contains

    select name, count(*)



    select name from syscomments C inner join sysobjects O

    on O.id = C.id where C.[text] like '%???????????%' and O.type = 'p'

    ) T

    group by name order by name

  • Hi Denis,

    If when a stored procedure or view is created WITh ENCRYPTION, this technique won't work. However, with the ability to decrypt stored procedures so readily available, it doesn't do a whole lot to try and use SQL Server's encryption on them.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thanks for all of you

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