Windows Updates on SQL Servers

  • Hello,

    We are trying to automize our windows updates on prod sql servers...(once in 3 months). I am unaware whether this is a good/bad practice.

    I would like to know what is the industry standard and/or general practices in various companies. So that I can arrive at an idea of what's best for our company.

    Primarily, I am looking at the frequency at which updates are applied to sql servers.

    Thanks in advance for replying.



    Jagan K

  • it has been discussed before but in case its hidden some where.

    depending on how mission critical the box is we install patches the next time we have to reboot after they come out (some of our servers get rebooted once a week or so) or when we schedule down time and take the server out of service (OLTP database machines happens once every 3-4 months or so).

    this gives us plenty of time for the patches to be tested on non critical servers before we install them on our production database servers.

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  • This really is a case of what works for the business you’re supporting, i've worked on assignments that do monthly, quarterly patching on pre defined dates and worked in environments that only patch when either a major security patch is released or if something isn't working. Look at when your systems can't be down, and look at what needs to be done from the dreaded change management perspective as a starting point and see what you can realistically deliver.

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