windows event logs as a data source in reporting services

  • Does anyone know if there is a way to specify a windows event log as a data source in reporting designer?  I want to create reports that read the windows event logs.  I found log parser and using this utility can read event logs and put them it into SQL table.  In a table I could create any report desired.  But, I thougth you could read the logs directly from reporting services as a data source.  The only thing I can think to do is reload the event log(with logparser) via a SP every time someone runs the report - ie create a SP that runs logparser to load a table then selects the table as the result set.

  • Take a look at the SQL Server Health and History tool. It collects event log data into a repository database.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Take a look in the book "Hitchhiker's Guide to Sql Server 2000 Reporting Services".  It has a chapter on Custom Data Extensions with an example on how to create an EvenLogDataExtension.

    This is the most direct method I have seen so far, however it comes at the cost of higher overhead since the example implementation parses the eventlog data on each request.

    ~Lance Hunt

  • Thanks for hints.  I found the example.  It's a lot more invovled than I expected - but I will work through it.

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