Windows Authentication Problem / unwanted impersonation

  • I need your help!

    In WinXP, I am having a problem using Windows Authentication to connect to a particular server (SQL2000). I normally use Windows Authentication. In this case, however, when I try to connect I get the following:

    "Login failed for user "xxxxx\root". The only problem is I'm logged in as another domain userid (I've replaced my domain name with xxxxx to protect the guilty).

    This only happens from my pc and my account to this one server. When I log on as another user, no problem. When I go to another pc, no problem with my domain userid.

    There is something on my pc that is causing an unwanted impersonation!

    Any ideas? (this is making me and my security guy crazy).



  • At the connection screen, it should show you which User name it will attempt to authenticate in the form of DOMAIN\Username. In XP, you should be able to right-click the shortcut for SSMS or Query Analyzer and select "run as..." This screen will show you who the currenty user is and give you the option of specifying a different user account to run the application under. It may not solve the question of why/how your app is trying to run as root, but it will give you a workaround until your security guys can get it figured out. Good Luck.

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