Windos Name changue after SQL was installed,

  • Windos Name changue after SQL was installed, now I install a new SQL Instance and have a problem if I try to connect fromo remote server, I check the properties and the default Database user is with the initial windows server name and the the aditional Instances have the secon windows server name, what I need to do in order to discover if this the remote connection problem with the SQL


  • you'll need to modify this query with your names:

    EXEC sp_dropserver 'OldServerName' 
    EXEC sp_addserver 'NewServerName', 'local'

    after that, there will be a difference in @@servername until you can stop and restart the SQL service, after which the new name will take affect:

    select * from sys.servers where server_id = 0 
    select @@servername



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