Win2003 Enterprise (32 bit) and SQL 2k ENT(64bit)

  • How many memory does SQL 2k ENT(64bit) can support with Win2003 ENT(32 bit)?

  • I think BOL has specifications on this

    Win 2k Enterprise Edition supports up to 4G of RAM


  • No sure you can even run 64bit SQL Server on 32bit Windows system.

  • I think you can't.

  • quote:

    I think you can't.

    I know you can't.



  • I don't has both Windows 2003 32Bit and SQL Server 64Bit, but in theory 64bit application can't run 32bit system just like 32bit software can't run 16bit system. You can run 32bit application in 64bit system in emulation mode. Microsoft recommends that you run 32bit applications on 32it hardware/system for optimal performance, same to the 64bit application.

    Edited by - allen_cui on 11/03/2003 2:16:59 PM

  • Allen, If upgrade SQL2k standard to ENT on Win2k Advanced server, is it the same procedure with the new installation on changing the switches /3GB/PAE in boot.ini?

  • You don't need /3GB and /PAE in SQL Server standard installation because it can run only with 2GB memory and doesn't support AWE.

    In Enterprise Edition installation, if you have more than 4Gb memory, You have to add /PAE to boot.ini and trun on AWE if you want SQL Server use more memory. Adding /3GB to boot.ini will give SQL Server more momory to run.

  • quote:

    How many memory does SQL 2k ENT(64bit) can support with Win2003 ENT(32 bit)?

    0 as noted 64bit does not run (or atleast will not run properly if you do install and the setup should be smart enough to warn you).

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