Will IS NULL work for IF criteria


    SELECT @CT = MIN(ct)

    FROM ironchef.dbo.war_conferenceregistrations

    WHERE eventmeetingsetupid = @eventmeetingsetupid

    --Will IS NULL WORK


    --End of question


    INSERT INTO ironchef.dbo.petertesttable

    SELECT @eventmeetingsetupid, @eventidname, @createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, 12 as ct, @extendedamount

    FROM ironchef.dbo.filteredeventregistration r

    INNER JOIN ironchef.dbo.filteredinvoicedetail d

    ON r.invoicedetailid=d.invoicedetailid

    WHERE r.meetingsetupid=@eventmeetingsetupid




    INSERT INTO ironchef.dbo.petertesttable --(eventmeeting)

    SELECT @eventmeetingsetupid, @eventidname, @createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, @ct-1, @extendedamount

    FROM ironchef.dbo.filteredeventregistration r

    INNER JOIN ironchef.dbo.filteredinvoicedetail d ON r.invoicedetailid=d.invoicedetailid

    WHERE r.meetingsetupid=@eventmeetingsetupid

    AND r.createdon BETWEEN DATEADD(WEEK,-@ct,@meetingstartdate)

    AND DATEADD(WEEK, -@ct+1,@meetingstartdate)


  • Did you try it?

    DECLARE @var int

    IF @Var IS NULL

    SELECT 'It Works'


    SELECT 'Nope'

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • John Rowan (7/28/2009)

    Did you try it?

    DECLARE @var int

    IF @Var IS NULL

    SELECT 'It Works'


    SELECT 'Nope'

    Doesn't work 🙁 even if I change it to <=0

  • What did you get when you tried it?

    When I ran this:

    DECLARE @Var int

    IF @Var IS NULL

    SELECT 'It Works'


    SELECT 'Nope'

    it returned It Works on my system at home.

  • Why don't you use

    IF Not Exists (

    SELECT ct

    FROM ironchef.dbo.war_conferenceregistrations

    WHERE eventmeetingsetupid = @eventmeetingsetupid


    This has the advantage that it will stop execution as soon as it finds any row that meets the criteria where your solution has to pull all the results to ensure that it has the min.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Iron Chef SQL (7/28/2009)

    John Rowan (7/28/2009)

    Did you try it?

    DECLARE @var int

    IF @Var IS NULL

    SELECT 'It Works'


    SELECT 'Nope'

    Doesn't work 🙁 even if I change it to <=0

    What do you mean by "Doesn't work"? Do you get an error, does it not return the expected value? What happens when you run it?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • for some reason my if condition (to test if NULL then INSERT) inserts data no matter what.

    I'm trying to figure out why but maybe it's something simple and another pair of eyes can see what I can't

    USE ironchef


    DECLARE @eventmeetingsetupid NVARCHAR(38)

    DECLARE @eventidname NVARCHAR(55)

    DECLARE @meetingstartdate DATETIME


    DECLARE @createdbyname NVARCHAR(55)

    DECLARE @registrationsetupidname NVARCHAR(55)

    DECLARE @extendedamount SMALLMONEY

    DECLARE cursor_newevents CURSOR FOR





    WHEREmeetingstartdate > GETDATE()

    AND meetingstartdate <= dateadd(week, 12, getdate())

    AND nace_broadcategory 2

    ORDER BY meetingstartdate

    OPEN cursor_newevents

    FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_newevents INTO @eventmeetingsetupid, @eventidname, @meetingstartdate



    PRINT @eventidname + ' ' + ' - ' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), @meetingstartdate, 101)

    DECLARE cursor_wkOut CURSOR FOR

    SELECT ct

    FROM ironchef.dbo.user_countto52

    WHERE ct 0



    INSERT INTO ironchef.dbo.petertesttable --(eventmeeting)

    SELECT @eventmeetingsetupid, @eventidname, @createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, @ct-1, @extendedamount

    FROM ironchef.dbo.eventregistration r

    INNER JOIN ironchef.dbo.invoicedetail d ON r.invoicedetailid=d.invoicedetailid

    WHERE r.meetingsetupid=@eventmeetingsetupid

    AND r.createdon BETWEEN DATEADD(WEEK,-@ct,@meetingstartdate)

    AND DATEADD(WEEK, -@ct+1,@meetingstartdate)





    INSERT INTO ironchef.dbo.petertesttable

    SELECT @eventmeetingsetupid, @eventidname, @createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, 12 as ct, @extendedamount

    FROM ironchef.dbo.eventregistration r

    INNER JOIN ironchef.dbo.invoicedetail d

    ON r.invoicedetailid=d.invoicedetailid

    WHERE r.meetingsetupid=@eventmeetingsetupid


    --End of Area

    FETCH NEXT FROM confreghistcursor INTO @createdbyname, @registrationsetupidname, @CT, @extendedamount


    CLOSE confreghistcursor

    DEALLOCATE confreghistcursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_wkout into @CT


    CLOSE cursor_wkout

    DEALLOCATE cursor_wkout

    FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_newevents INTO @eventmeetingsetupid, @eventidname , @meetingstartdate


    CLOSE cursor_newevents

    DEALLOCATE cursor_newevents

  • John Rowan (7/29/2009)

    Iron Chef SQL (7/28/2009)

    John Rowan (7/28/2009)

    Did you try it?

    DECLARE @var int

    IF @Var IS NULL

    SELECT 'It Works'


    SELECT 'Nope'

    Doesn't work 🙁 even if I change it to <=0

    What do you mean by "Doesn't work"? Do you get an error, does it not return the expected value? What happens when you run it?

    It works until I add it to my code

  • I can't help but comment on the other few threads that you've started regarding advice on using cursors. Specifically, you asked in one thread about the use of nested cursors and were advised not only not to, but that there's really no reason why you would ever need/want to.

    The advice given was from some of the industries best so I've got to ask, what are you trying to accomplish here? If your goal is to learn how to use T-SQL and write effective, efficient, SQL code, you need to learn how to write SET based code (think about working on columns instead of rows).

    So what's up? In the big picture, what are you trying to do here?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Please tell me that you ARE NOT using this cursor-bassed code in a production environment and that it is simply for your own edification.

  • John Rowan (7/29/2009)

    I can't help but comment on the other few threads that you've started regarding advice on using cursors. Specifically, you asked in one thread about the use of nested cursors and were advised not only not to, but that there's really no reason why you would ever need/want to.

    The advice given was from some of the industries best so I've got to ask, what are you trying to accomplish here? If your goal is to learn how to use T-SQL and write effective, efficient, SQL code, you need to learn how to write SET based code (think about working on columns instead of rows).

    So what's up? In the big picture, what are you trying to do here?

    I'm just trying to master cursors just to be able to say I can write a cursor. I honestly can't see why anyone would use a cursor other than some admin tasks.

    Basically there is no real thing I'm trying to accomplish. Just trying to create a puzzle and solve it. Brain teaser I guess.

  • Iron Chef SQL (7/29/2009)

    John Rowan (7/29/2009)

    I can't help but comment on the other few threads that you've started regarding advice on using cursors. Specifically, you asked in one thread about the use of nested cursors and were advised not only not to, but that there's really no reason why you would ever need/want to.

    The advice given was from some of the industries best so I've got to ask, what are you trying to accomplish here? If your goal is to learn how to use T-SQL and write effective, efficient, SQL code, you need to learn how to write SET based code (think about working on columns instead of rows).

    So what's up? In the big picture, what are you trying to do here?

    I'm just trying to master cursors just to be able to say I can write a cursor. I honestly can't see why anyone would use a cursor other than some admin tasks.

    Basically there is no real thing I'm trying to accomplish. Just trying to create a puzzle and solve it. Brain teaser I guess.

    I just wanted to thank yall by the way. It's an honor to be able to learn from some of the best. 😎

  • My professional opinion would be that you're time would be better spent mastering non-cursor solutions and any other effort is wasting your time. Why spend so much time working towards something that you admit is not of real value. If you are not a master of set based logic, focus your time on that. Here's a challenge for you, take the code that you've got here and write a set based solution, post your work, and we'll help you with that.

    As for the original question for this thread, yes, an IS NULL check works. If your code does not appear to work with it, you need to check your variable values. The logic I posted works, every time. So if it appers not to work after you've inserted your code, there's something amiss with your code and most likely with your variable values.

    Good advice, you don't take a step in a direction, you always move towards something. So spending time writing procedural code for 'practice' means that you'll eventually use is as a solution in the real world as soon as you can't think of a set based way to solve the problem. Just my $.02.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • I have to agree with John here. Don't waste your time learning more about cursors. Take what you have written and develop a set-based solution to the problem. This will benefit you more in the future than learning to write cursor-based solutions.

    Looking at what you have written, it appears to be three nested cursors. This will definately not scale well at all. A set-based solution would actually be the best option for somethng like this.

  • On the other side, to really know what is going on with your code, we would need the DDL for the tables, sample data for the tables, and expected results based on the sample data.

    So, if you still want to know what is going on with this cursor-based solution, please read and following the instructions/guidelines detailed in the first article I have referenced below in my signature block regarding asking for assistance.

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