WildCard Expression

  • I was wondering if there is a wildcard version of the following IN statement:

    select top 10 * from dbo.MyTable

    where ActualTime NOT IN


    There is a field in this table, dbo.MyTable, ActualTime which is a char(4). Instead of a datetime value, this table is fed the actual time as a seperate field. I was hoping to get a query like below so I do not have to repeat every possible "0" scenario as I did above.

    select top 10 * from dbo.MyTable

    where ActualTime NOT IN


    Thanks! 🙂

    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

  • It's not a wildcard expression but you could use something like:

    WHERE REPLACE(actualTime, '0', '') <> ''


    WHERE CAST(actualTime AS INT) <> 0

    The replace would result in any actualTime string containing only zeros to be a zero-length string. Although I have no idea on the performance of either of these on mass.

    You might wish to consider changing the column definition to an INT and the check for anything that is not zero. I'm sure the performance of that would be better than any fuction performed in a WHERE clause.


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  • Or use something like

    select top 10 * from dbo.MyTable

    where ActualTime NOT like '0%'

    but this construction is a performance killer.

    The best things in life are the simple things

  • I am not sure if this works

    where ActualTime >0


    Failing to plan is Planning to fail

  • Thanks for the suggestions all! 🙂

    Doing a replace would not work, as any occurrences such as 0901 would become 9 1 (char data). But doing WHERE CAST(ActualTime AS INT) <> 0 will work.

    Excluding any occurrences NOT like '0%' would skip 0901 (the char data is in military time).

    The suggestion that works at the moment is the where ActualTime > '0000' (has to be 4 zeros to exlude 0, 00, 000 as well as 0000 - again, char data).

    The downside is missing anything that midnight, which I never accounted for in my original post, but that is a problem for another day. Unfortunately midnight is 0000 and "no data" can also be represented by 0000, amoung other things (0,00,000 and blank).


    Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours (Richard Bach, Illusions)

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