December 26, 2007 at 10:03 am
I am playing around with the system stored procedures, specifically sp_addsrvrolemember.
so logged in with SA and I added just a dummy account through E.M. called lee and went into the SERVER ROLES and checked off sysadmin entered a password and hit OK.
Go into Q.A. and do the following SELECT * FROM master..syslogins where name = 'Lee'
Get the results and everything RIGHT of the password column is off by one column...
The language column is housing the encrypted password.
The denylogin column is housing the language.
So on until the end...the columns are one off to the RIGHT.
Can anyone explain this? I only found one other post on Google that was similar to what I am experiencing...but didn't really give a reason for the issue...
Thanks in advance,
December 26, 2007 at 10:50 am
Please don't cross post. We check all forums.
December 26, 2007 at 11:59 am
Sorry this was an error and when I realized I had initally entered the post in the wrong section I thought I deleted the post by hitting the delete button and then went into the correct forum and reposted my question...
Does the delete button not actually delete the post? I hit it again to test and it prompts me to hit OK to make sure I want to delete my post (this one) but it won't actually delete the post...
If you like you can delete this post as it was a mistake.
Thanks and sorry,
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