Widest table

  • Does it actually work???

    Wouldn't wanna be the poor bastard that has to use it .

  • 1022

    daily dts import from 3rd party database

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Remi, It works!

    As even worse, Every SAP system in every database is using the same implementation. So Is SAP used worldwide? YES! So every DBA running SAP has the same joy.

    Don't forget SAP (even empty) comes with over 25000 tables!

    A single sp_help on that database is taking a while to complete!

    And there is no way to reindex or optimise the system tables which become VERY fragmented (over 80000 rows in the sysobjects and over 980000 rows in syscolumns!!!!!) for one single database.

    And I'm running a lot of SAP systems like this on SQLServer here


  • What is SAP short for? Yahoo doesn't return anything usefull.

  • SAP: Sorry A.. Programming

    Greg H

  • I'm glad it's not for simple a_understandable procedures .

  • SAP = Stooge-A-Palooza


    I believe that this acronym can be used to describe the software developers and software buyers of the product.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • And maybe the developpers who dare to work with that... unless they have no other choice.

  • http://www.sap.com

    one of the biggest ERP.

    On other hand those "poor" developers and consultants are earning like hell (except the poor DBA's)

    There are consultant per module (FI, CO, SD, MM...) which only knows the tables belonging to that module an they are able to customise...

    As long as you have some hundreds of users you need at least a 4-6 server configuraion to be able to run!


  • SAP = Systems Analysis and Program Development

    If all the above is true then that name should be an OXYMORON


    * Noel

  • I think it is, unfortunately.

  •  I used to work for a major world wide shippng company.  I have seen this type of scriopt, and worse, on to many occasions!

    Not only am I a programmer but I am now the DBA and the ultimate ruler of the tables and structure.  I will never have to look at that again! 

    Kindest Regards,

    ** Obstacles are those frightening things that appear when we take our eyes off the goal. **

  • AMEN!

  • Beware ... as rulers go you can have either:

    A Beneficent Oligarchy


    A Tyrannistic Dictatorship


    The choice is yours !



    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • As long as that crap stays out of the kingdom I don't care which one it is .

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