Why you should avoid Implicit Measures in your Power BI model

  • Changing the default summarization doesn't suddenly change all the visuals, but I do agree it's better to use explicit measures for anything other than trivial or off the cuff projects.

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  • I completely agree with you; a key benefit is the ability to use the Analyze in Excel feature. This is particularly useful if your Power BI audience includes accountants who may not be as interested in visualizations but are keen on generating Excel Pivot Tables from your data model.

    A small issue with this method is the naming of your measures. For instance, if there's a field named 'amount,' you cannot have a measure with the same name in that table. I address this by renaming the field to something like '_amount' and hiding it, allowing me to then create a measure called 'amount.' I make these changes not in Power Query but in the SQL view that Power Query accesses. My preference for avoiding renaming in Power Query is a subject for another conversation.

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