why major player go for sybase not in sql server 2005

  • Hi all DBA's

    I have a doubt that why major players like all mantinational bank work apon Sybase 12.5 or 15.0

    is it a good or wrost decission to work on both the technologies and choose sybase instand of sql server ?


    shashi kant

  • Shashi -

    I find your question analogous to asking why a baker uses brown sugar instead of confectioner's sugar. Without knowing whether the use is in a cookie recipe, a cake, bread, or an icing mix, the question is incomplete.

    Now that I have that off my chest, I have a truly difficult time understanding your question, so please indulge me while I restate what I understood you to say:

    "Why to major players, like multinational banks, use Sybase 12.5 or 15.0 instead of SQL Server?"

    DBMS is an 'embedded' tool generally not viewed by end users. The application code which drives the User Interface (either GUI or more 'traditional' modes) can, in some cases, dictate the particular DBMS being used. If a package is built to be only compatible with Sybase, and this is the 'best' package available, that will drive the buying companies to use Sybase.

    Does that work for you?

  • It's likely that the banks have been using Sybase for a long time and keep upgrading. Also as mentioned above, their software may require it.

    Sybase is a good product and it's less popular in SQL Server, but not necessarily better or worse.

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