Why is the results take longer in MDX than TSQL?

  • Can anyone tell me why this simple MDX query takes 9 seconds and TSQL takes 5 seconds?

    -------------------- MDX -------------------------------

    select null on 0,


    [Dim Geographic].[STATECODE].children *

    [Dim Geographic].[COUNTYNAME].children *

    [Dim Geographic].[CITY].children *

    [Dim Geographic].[POSTALCODE].children


    on 1 from Cube;


    select distinct STATEABBRV, COUNTYNAME, CITY, POSTALCODE from DimGeographic


  • Hard to tell without knowing the exact structures of the database and cube, but I do know SSAS is strong in showing aggregated data, not really in showing data dumps.

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  • Did the T-sql take 5 seconds on the first execution? If not , then results may still be in the memory cache. The MDX may not have that advantage.

  • blom0344 (1/16/2013)

    Did the T-sql take 5 seconds on the first execution? If not , then results may still be in the memory cache. The MDX may not have that advantage.

    SSAS holds caches for MDX as well.

    Clear the Analysis Services Caches

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