Why is exec() not working in a loop

  • I have this procedure to update the counters in 7 companies. I do not want to run the script in each company. But with this logic, it only updates the first company. It goes through all of them, I know because I put a print and it shows that it does.

    Here is the code, Please help

    declare @lcdbname varchar(65),

            @lcFirstDigit char(1)

    select @lcFirstDigit = '4'

    declare curtemp cursor for select cdbname from companies where cstatus = 'A' order by cdbname

    open curtemp

    FETCH NEXT FROM curtemp INTO @lcdbname   



      exec ('use '+ @lcdbname)

      update tables1 set ccounter1 = @lcFirstDigit+right('0000000000'+isnull(substring(ccounter1,2,9),'1'),09),

                         ccounter2 = @lcFirstDigit+right('0000000000'+isnull(substring(ccounter2,2,9),'1'),09)

      update tables2 set ccounter1 = @lcFirstDigit+right('0000000000'+isnull(substring(ccounter1,2,9),'1'),09),

                         ccounter2 = @lcFirstDigit+right('0000000000'+isnull(substring(ccounter2,2,9),'1'),09)

      FETCH NEXT FROM curtemp INTO @lcdbname   


    CLOSE curtemp

    deallocate curtemp  


  • You must put the update inside the EXEC.

    EXEC ('update what ever')

    Or declare @strUp AS VARCHAR(300)

    SELECT @strUp = 'Update whatever...'

    EXEC (@strUp)

  • Thanks...

    Just 2 things

    1. Do you mean inside the first exec (exec ('use '+@dbname + update whatever....) or 2 separate Exec()

    2. Why does it have to be, the update, in an exec()

  • I meant in the first exec.

    Don't know the exact explanation, but it is like it is executed in a diferent context or connection.

    If you create a #temp table with EXEC (EXEC ('CREATE #TABLE...')) you won't see it in the actual connection, the same if you declare variables

    EXEC ('DECLARE @test-2 AS INT SELECT @test-2 = 1')

    PRINT @test-2

    this will fail,

    EXEC ('DECLARE @test-2 AS INT SELECT @test-2 = 1 PRINT @test-2')

    This won't.

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