Why each column is assigned more than one data type in SQL?

  • For example, when you run the following script in Northwind, it tells you every column has more than one data type, and for type of varchar/nvarchar, it doubles the size!

    Why? which data type is the real one? Thanks.


    distinct so.name as [Table Name],

    sc.colid as [ID],

    sc.name as [Column Name],

    st.name as [Data Type],

    sc.length as [Size]

    from sysobjects so

    inner join syscolumns sc on sc.id = so.id

    inner join systypes st on sc.type = st.type

    --inner join sysproperties sp on (so.id = sp.id and sp.smallid = sc.colid and sp.type = 4)

    where so.id = (select id from sysobjects where name = 'Customers')

  • Join on xusertype instead and you will get the correct result:


    distinct so.name as [Table Name],

    sc.colid as [ID],

    sc.name as [Column Name],

    st.name as [Data Type],

    sc.length as [Size]

    from sysobjects so

    inner join syscolumns sc on sc.id = so.id

    inner join systypes st on sc.xusertype = st.xusertype

    --inner join sysproperties sp on (so.id = sp.id and sp.smallid = sc.colid and sp.type = 4)

    where so.id = (select id from sysobjects where name = 'Customers')

    If you do not already know it, the system stored procedure sp_help gives similar information.

  • Also one other thing, if you have a user defined datatype you will get 2 rows for those columns... unless you didn't build the query exactly as I did back then...

  • Thank you guys. I still have question: why the revised query returns incorrect size for nchar and nvarchar? e.g. in Northwind, the CompanyName is nvarcahr(40), this script will return 80, and so on....Is that the difference between nvarchar and varchar?


  • "n" implies unicode and will always use 2 bytes for each one of its' "non-n" counterpart...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Like sushila says, unicode means 2 bytes per character. Length is not the number of characters stored, but the number of bytes used for storage. E.g. and int shows 4 in the Length column.

  • You might find it easier to use the "Information.Schema" views to get your structure e.g.


    TABLE_NAME [Table Name],


    COLUMN_NAME [Column Name],

    DATA_TYPE [Data Type],






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