Why does this get me multiple records?

  • Trying to return just a single record for the max audit date for an agent. I thought this would do it:

    select completed, Max(auditDate) from tblAudit_AuditSchedule where agentNumber = '54321' group by auditdate, completed HAVING auditDate = MAX(auditDate)

    But I get:

    02011-12-24 00:00:00

    02012-11-07 00:00:00

    02013-02-04 07:30:00

    02013-02-13 00:00:00

    02013-02-15 00:00:00

    02013-02-20 00:00:00

    12013-02-22 00:00:00

    Not sure why the HAVING clause doesn't limit it to just the last record. Any help on what I am doing wrong would be appreciated.


  • Hi Sean

    The MAX is applied to each group and since the auditdate column is in the GROUP BY clause you will get a group for each auditdate. This means that your HAVING clause is effectively just doing auditdate = auditdate and you will get a returned row for each.

    If you remove the auditdate from you GROUP BY clause you will get up to 2 returned rows in your query, since you also have the completed column in your GROUP BY clause and this appears to be a bit flag.

    I would say that you don't need to have a GROUP BY clause, but you will need to determine how you want the completed column handled, eg MAX or some other aggregate function.

    I suspect that you are looking for the last audit record for the agent, so you could try something like

    SELECT TOP 1 completed, auditdate

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule

    WHERE agentNumber = '54321'

    ORDER BY auditdate DESC

  • SQL told me I couldn't have auditdate in the HAVING CLAUSE without it being in the GROUP BY CLAUSE which is the only reason I added it. And the MAX(auditdate) can't be in the WHERE because it is an aggregate, so I'm confused about how to do it.

  • You need to remove the auditdate from the grouping and in your HAVING clause you need max(auditdate) = xxxx (depends on what you want it to equal?)

  • infact looking again at your post you dont even need a HAVING clause. you just need the max

    select Max(auditDate) from tblAudit_AuditSchedule where agentNumber = '54321'

    if you need it per agent

    select AgentNumber, Max(auditDate) from tblAudit_AuditSchedule group by AgentNumber

    and if you need it per agent and competed status

    select completed, AgentNumber, Max(auditDate) from tblAudit_AuditSchedule group by Completed, AgentNumber

  • Sean Grebey (2/13/2013)

    Trying to return just a single record for the max audit date for an agent. I thought this would do it:

    select completed, Max(auditDate) from tblAudit_AuditSchedule where agentNumber = '54321' group by auditdate, completed HAVING auditDate = MAX(auditDate)

    But I get:

    02011-12-24 00:00:00

    02012-11-07 00:00:00

    02013-02-04 07:30:00

    02013-02-13 00:00:00

    02013-02-15 00:00:00

    02013-02-20 00:00:00

    12013-02-22 00:00:00

    Not sure why the HAVING clause doesn't limit it to just the last record. Any help on what I am doing wrong would be appreciated.


    What are you trying to return? Without having DDL (CREATE TABLE statement), sample data (INSERT INTO statements), expected results based on sample data; all we can give you are shots in the dark.

  • Let me explain it a little bit better. Every agentNumber will have dozens of audits, so for example:

    agentNumber auditdate completed

    54321 1/1/2013 1

    54321 1/15/2013 1

    54321 2/1/2013 0

    12345 1/1/2013 1

    12345 1/8/2013 1

    12345 1/17/2013 1

    I need to know the value of completed for each agentNumber on their Max(auditdate), i.e.

    54321 0

    12345 1

    SO really all I need to get back is an agentNumber matched with if their last audit was completed. I don't even care what the last audit date is, just if it was completed or not.

  • And thanks for the help by the way. Much appreciated.

  • Animal Magic (2/13/2013)

    infact looking again at your post you dont even need a HAVING clause. you just need the max

    select Max(auditDate) from tblAudit_AuditSchedule where agentNumber = '54321'

    if you need it per agent

    select AgentNumber, Max(auditDate) from tblAudit_AuditSchedule group by AgentNumber

    and if you need it per agent and competed status

    select completed, AgentNumber, Max(auditDate) from tblAudit_AuditSchedule group by Completed, AgentNumber

    Kind of the other way around, I need the completed value by agent only for their last auditdate. Thanks for the input though.

  • There are a number of ways of doing this. Here's a few ways of writing essentially the same query.

    SELECT completed, auditdate, a.agentNumber

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule a


    SELECT agentNumber, MAX(auditdate) maxdate

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule

    GROUP BY agentNumber

    ) b ON a.agentNumber = b.agentNumber and a.auditdate = b.maxdate

    -- or

    SELECT completed, auditdate, agentNumber

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule a

    WHERE auditdate = (

    SELECT MAX(auditdate)

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule b

    WHERE a.agentNumber = b.agentNumber


    -- or

    ;with LastAuditDatePerAgent AS (

    SELECT agentNumber, MAX(auditdate) maxdate

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule

    GROUP BY agentNumber


    SELECT completed, auditdate, a.agentNumber

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule a

    INNER JOIN LastAuditDatePerAgent b ON a.agentNumber = b.agentNumber and a.auditdate = b.maxdate

    The previous query I put in would have worked for a single agentNumber.

  • mickyT (2/13/2013)

    There are a number of ways of doing this. Here's a few ways of writing essentially the same query.

    SELECT completed, auditdate, a.agentNumber

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule a


    SELECT agentNumber, MAX(auditdate) maxdate

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule

    GROUP BY agentNumber

    ) b ON a.agentNumber = b.agentNumber and a.auditdate = b.maxdate

    -- or

    SELECT completed, auditdate, agentNumber

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule a

    WHERE auditdate = (

    SELECT MAX(auditdate)

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule b

    WHERE a.agentNumber = b.agentNumber


    -- or

    ;with LastAuditDatePerAgent AS (

    SELECT agentNumber, MAX(auditdate) maxdate

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule

    GROUP BY agentNumber


    SELECT completed, auditdate, a.agentNumber

    FROM tblAudit_AuditSchedule a

    INNER JOIN LastAuditDatePerAgent b ON a.agentNumber = b.agentNumber and a.auditdate = b.maxdate

    The previous query I put in would have worked for a single agentNumber.

    Thank you, that got me what I needed.

  • Forgive me but isn't this easily done as follows?

    ;WITH AuditDates (AgentID, AuditDate, Completed) AS (

    SELECT 54321, '2013-01-01', 1

    UNION ALL SELECT 54321,'2013-01-15', 1

    UNION ALL SELECT 54321,'2013-02-01', 0

    UNION ALL SELECT 12345,'2013-01-01', 1

    UNION ALL SELECT 12345,'2013-01-08', 1

    UNION ALL SELECT 12345,'2013-01-17', 1


    SELECT AgentID, Completed

    FROM (

    SELECT AgentID, AuditDate, Completed


    FROM AuditDates) a

    WHERE n = 1

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