WHy did agent stop

  • Greetings,

    Yesterday afternoon the agent stopped. I found the following message in the logs...

    SQL Server is teminating due to 'stop' request from Service Control Manager.

    Most of the notes I found indicate that this is a result of updating or installing MSDE or another component. This was not being done at the time. This is an existing installation which has been running for several months now. To the best of my knowledge there was nothing being done on the system at the time the agent stopped. This server is shipping logs to a standby server/database but I saw no indication of any problems there. As soon as the agent was restarted the log shipping continued successfully.

    I am looking for suggestions as to how to troubleshoot this problem. I don't know how to determine, or if it possible to determine, why the agent stopped in this case. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Bill,

    Sounds to me you might have a server level schduled job that stops the mssql service if you're sure no one has done it manually.



    Jules Bui
    IT Operations DBA
    Backup and Restore Administrator

  • Jules, how would I check this? This is the first time this has happened which leads me to believe something else may be going on, either user interaction which no one is claiming or something new. Do you have any suggestions for logs to look at in an attempt to determine the cause? Thanks.

  • Exactly the same thing happeneded at one on my client's site.


    it stopped last thursday at 8:00 a.m., and Teusday at 8:00 a.m.


    again no one admists to doing it, nothing changed.


    any tips greatly appreciated




  • I would go on the server and check under system tools to see if there are any scheduled tasks that automatically shuts down the service.  Lately our server which we use to run backups have been shutting down in the middle of the night, but it is a whole server shutdown which has Microsoft looking at our logs, but you situation is different because your MSSQL Service shuts down which is strange.  You can also check the error logs on SQL Server.



    Jules Bui
    IT Operations DBA
    Backup and Restore Administrator

  • Jules, it turns out that the SNMP service was restarted as part of a change to the monitoring in place on this server. Looking at the system events I see that the Distributed Transaction Coordinator was stopped, followed by the SQLSERVERAGENT then MSSQLSERVER. I then see the DTC restarted followed by the SNMP service being restarted but the SQLSERVERAGENT and MSSQLSERVER services were never restarted. I don't understand the relation between these services so don't know if this is to be expected. It appears that if the SNMP service is restarted that the SQLSERVERAGENT must also be restarted. If you have any insight into this I wouold greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

  • Hi, has anyone found anything on this? This exact same thing happened to me when I installed SNMP on a 2003 server with SQL installed. I'm trying to figure out why this happens. If anyone has any information, that would be great. Thanks!

  • Hello, I never did find an explanation for this problem but if you do find something I would be very interested in knowing. Thanks.

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