Why can a case with a ''is null'' check return something else than isnull(?,0) ?

  • I have the following two lines in a select statement

     sum((CASE when dbo.vw_SumContentPack.[Date] is null then 0 else dbo.vw_SumContentPack.Sales end)) AS Sales,

     sum(isnull(dbo.vw_SumContentPack.Sales,0)) AS Sales

    On first glance you would say they return the same value but that is not true sometimes the second line returns a value 1 even if there is no record.

    My question is this why don't they return the same result?

    Thanks in Advance,

    Martijn Schiferli

  • The second sum doesn't know when dbo.vw_SumContentPack.[Date] is null.

    Try adding to the where clause

    WHERE NOT(dbo.vw_SumContentPack.[Date] IS NULL)

    Everett Wilson

  • Alternatively, the first sum should be dbo.vw_SumContentPack.[Sales], instead of dbo.vw_SumContentPack.[Date]?

  • I have tried that but for some reason if I use the [Sales] field I also get a return value of 1. [Sales] is of declared as int and [Date] as datetime.

  • By rewriting your statements, I get the following:

    select sum(Sales)

    from dbo.vw_SumContentPack

    where [Date] IS NOT NULL

    select sum(isnull(Sales,0))

    from dbo.vw_SumContentPack

    Is it? If so, then the differences are quite plain!

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