September 25, 2005 at 7:35 pm
Hi Friends,
Just curious to know... Recently we found that the Employee Tables in our Companyy Database, someone has fiddled around and concatenated some funny names to the Surname of few Employees. Was just a prank, but now the Management wants to know, whether we can trace who updated it.
Is it possible from the Transaction log or anything, when the update was done and if possible, who did that ???
Sorry if it sounds stupid...
September 25, 2005 at 8:50 pm
you can use lumigent log explorer to look thru old transaction logs, if security is handled on the sql level.
September 26, 2005 at 3:20 am
I can't help you directly but looking forwards you might consider implementing Insert/Update triggers or augmenting existing ones to track who created and changed what. How detailed you make the tracking is up to you i.e. track create and last modified by user or a complete change history. There are plenty of code samples around so I don't feel the need to pad this out with one more. I have known of financial apps that create a checksum for each row so that any unauthorised changes made behind the scenes (not through the interface) will throw up errors.
At least this way you have an answer to give the management when they ask what you're doing about it happening again.
September 26, 2005 at 3:28 am
As Grasshopper says, there are tools out there to help your present need. Another is Log P.I. to be found at I have no experience of either but the above has a download option. Best of luck
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