While, variable and table with nolock

  • Hello!

    When I looping a variable from a table with nolock hint in the while, then the execution time is bigger.


    Here is the script:

    use tempdb


    set nocount on;

    set xact_abort on;


    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..tmp_zs_456') is not null drop table tmp_zs_456


    create table tmp_zs_456 (id int primary key identity(1,1), szam int default 0)



    @id int = 0,

    @from_id int,

    @to_id int = 10000,

    @end_time datetime,

    @start_time datetime

    while @id < 1000000 begin

    set @id += 1

    if @@TRANCOUNT = 0 begin tran

    insert into tmp_zs_456 default values

    if @id % 5000 = 0 AND @@TRANCOUNT <> 0 commit


    if @@TRANCOUNT <> 0 commit

    -- Loop 1: the execution time is ok.

    select @start_time = GETDATE(), @from_id = 0

    while @from_id < @to_id begin

    select top 1 @from_id += 1 from tmp_zs_456

    --select top 1 @from_id += 1 from sys.databases


    set @end_time = GETDATE()

    select DATEDIFF(millisecond, @start_time, @end_time) as execution_time_without_nolock

    -- Loop 2: the execution time is bigger. Why?

    select @start_time = GETDATE(), @from_id = 0

    while @from_id < @to_id begin

    select top 1 @from_id += 1 from tmp_zs_456 with (nolock) -- Here is the execution time is bigger.

    --select top 1 @from_id += 1 from sys.databases with (nolock) -- This is ok.


    set @end_time = GETDATE()

    select DATEDIFF(millisecond, @start_time, @end_time) as execution_time_with_nolock


  • Because nolock is not "go faster stripes" ? More seriously, probably because the nolock hint is performing a scan which needs to read more pages due to reading in allocation order.

    Check out these links for more reasons not to use nolock:

    Missing rows with nolock

    Allocation order scans with nolock

    Consistency issues with nolock

    Transient Corruption Errors in SQL Server error log caused by nolock

    Dirty reads, read errors, reading rows twice and missing rows with nolock

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