While Inserting record through trigger on remote server through linked servers, SQL Server gets hanged.

  • While Inserting record through trigger on remote server through linked servers, SQL Server gets hanged.


    In my program, I am creating a trigger on a table for update, insert and delete. When any of this event is happened, the trigger is fired and one row gets inserted in the table which is on the remote server. To connect the table on the remote server, I am using linked servers.

    The triggers gets created successfully, but when any event is occured (update/insert/delete) SQL Server gets hanged.

    The trigger is :




    set xact_abort on

    DECLARE @memberid int

    DECLARE @aliasid int

    SELECT @memberid=fid,@aliasid=faliasid from inserted

    INSERT [remoteserver].[dbname].[dbo].TABLENAME(PID,TABLE_ID,TABLE_NAME,EVENT,MEMBER_ID,COMPOSITE_ID,TIME_STAMP) VALUES(48,2,'TABLE_48','I',@memberid,@aliasid,getdate())

    My SQL Server 2000 version is

    Can anybody help me on this?

  • It probably serves you right as it is not a great idea to do something as slow as a cross server insert from something that really needs quick and tidy code like a trigger - what would happen if the remote server is unavailable?

    Really you should either use replication or use a staging table (e.g. your trigger just harvests the unique keys of inserted rows into a staging table and then you have a scheduled procedure to copy rows to the remote server) or of course you could use a combo of harvest and trigger - here you would have a copy of the remote table on the local DB - then the trigger would operate on the local table and that local table would be replicated to the remoteserver - this probably gives you the best of both worlds

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