Which version of SQL Server do I need?

  • Hi - I'm currently running MSDE on my site - and can see it beginning to creak.

    Having an idea of the cost of SQL Server, what is the most basic version I can purchase to install on a server (W2003 Web Edition - 1 processor), which will allow any number of site visitors to use the data within a database in Sql Server?

    Do the CALs I keep hearing about refer to the people using my site, and using pages which query the SQL Server?

    Would the Standard edition be acceptable for this?

    Thanks, Mark

  • If SQL Server is powering a web app, you cannot buy a licence that refers to CALs and must instead purchase a 'processor' licence.

    So you need the standard edition with a single processor licence. Hope your site generates a lot of revenue to pay for it!


  • If your website is for authenticated people in your company, you'd use CALs. If it's the internet and anonymous people, it's per CPU.

  • Explain how "MSDE is Creaking along"???

  • I know it almost sounds like blasphemy in this place, but have you considered the use of an open source system?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Hi - MSDE is creaking (imo) because in the event logs I see the 'exceeded 8 concurrent connections' too many times.  The site is not busy yet either!  What I was trying to find out is if my interpretation of the event logs, is resulting in a visible effect on performance for visitors to the site.  From what I've read though, the delays introduced are minimal, and most likely have no visible effects (the queries/SPs I run only return small amounts of data anyway).

    I have, and do use MySQL elsewhere - but went to MSDE as it was part of a windows server package I lease - and it works well with .Net data providers.

    I know MySQL 5 now has SPs, but I would be uncomfortable transferring the tables and data to another database.  Eg. how would I transfer three tables which have a one to many to many relationship?  Autonumber fields are generated by the db server are they not?  If there's a way around this, then I most likely would consider that option until the site is busy enough to justify a proper SQL licence.

    Thanks again, Mark

  • MySQL is just one Open Source system. PostGreSQL is quite popular, MaxDB, the former SAPDb and many others.

    Btw, MySQL supports also such a thing as Autonumber, but there it's called AutoIncrement. AFAIK, there are tools that will assist in the move, but if you really consider this an option you might be better off asking this on a MySQL mailing list at http://www.mysql.com.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Wat version of msde are you using? MSDE 2.0 has support for 25 concurrent users MSDE 1.0 for 5....

    (I think you are on 1.0 so an upgrade to 2.0 could buy you some time...)

  • Hi - thank you, I wasn't aware there was another version - I'm presuming I have V1.0 - is there a way I can tell? Also, does V2 have the same licence agreement?

    I'm presuming that it's not SQL Server 2005 Express (which you can't use in a live environment yet) that you're referring to?

    Thanks again, Mark

  • The version of sql server: Select @@version

    I do not know of the licence agreement is suited for your situation (You have to check it yourself)

    SQL Server 2005 Express is the stripped SQL server 2005

    MSDE v2/MSDE 2000 is the stripped SQL 2000 version

    Greetings, Henry


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