Which query is scanning that index?

  • Hi,

    I found an article on this matter:


    I've tried to run the below query from the article on few databases, replacing "[DBNameHere]", "[TableNameHere]", "[IndexNameHere]" with database, table and index names, but all I got was:

    (0 row(s) affected)

    Am I missing something? The URL in the query points to some XML files. Do I need to download and somehow attach those files before I run the query?


    with xmlnamespaces('http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/showplan' as s)

    select top 50 st.text, qp.query_plan, qs.ec as exec_count, qs.tlr as total_reads

    from (

    select s.sql_handle, s.plan_handle, max(s.execution_count) as ec, max(s.total_logical_reads) as tlr

    from sys.dm_exec_query_stats as s

    where s.max_logical_reads > 100

    group by s.sql_handle, s.plan_handle) as qs

    cross apply sys.dm_exec_query_plan(qs.plan_handle) as qp

    cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) as st

    cross apply (select distinct relop.value('@Index','nvarchar(130)') as IndexRef

    from qp.query_plan.nodes(


    s:RelOp[@PhysicalOp = ("Index Scan")]/*[local-name() = ("IndexScan")]/

    s:Object[@Database = ("[DBNameHere]")

    and @Table = ("[TableNameHere]")

    and @index = ("[IndexNameHere]")]'

    ) as ro(relop)

    ) as r

  • I'm not an xquery guru, but it could be possible that there are no cached plans that include an index scan on the table/index you are searching. I ran the query on one of my databases and got no rows, but when I eliminated the XQuery filters for index and table I got a bunch of rows back.

  • Jack is right. I played around with this a little last night. The xquery is just parsing the xml plan looking for an index scan. You probably just dont have an index scan in the cache for your index.

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