which one is better

  • Hi friends

    I have following query

    select taskid,staffid,

    [timespent]=(SELECT CASE WHEN sum(datediff(s,wt_starttime,wt_stoptime)) IS NULL THEN '0'

        ELSE sum(datediff(s,wt_starttime,isnull(wt_stoptime,getdate()))) END -- total time spent

        FROM pt_vCheckworktime where fk_taskid=t.taskid and fk_staffid=t.staffid)

    from task t

    and have same piece of code i.e in a UDF

    ((SELECT CASE WHEN sum(datediff(s,wt_starttime,wt_stoptime)) IS NULL THEN '0'

        ELSE sum(datediff(s,wt_starttime,isnull(wt_stoptime,getdate()))) END -- total time spent

        FROM pt_vCheckworktime where fk_taskid=t.taskid and fk_staffid=t.staffid))

    I am wondering which one is better or ideal.

    my first query or the following ??

    select taskid,staffid,dbo.pt_fntimespent(t.taskid,t.staffid) from task

    at the moment both queries taking same amount of time.

  • select t.taskid, t.staffid,

    sum(isnull(datediff(s,wt_starttime,isnull(wt_stoptime,getdate()))), 0) as [timespent]

    from task t

    left join pt_vCheckworktime

    on fk_taskid=t.taskid and fk_staffid=t.staffid

    group by t.taskid,t.staffid

    keep in mind that your udf will be executed at row-level where the join will be used in the optimisation of the execution plan.

    (IMO this query is more readeble/understandeble than when using a udf)



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