Which is Better

  • Hi Expertz

    Can anyone tell me which will be better performance wise


    select @emp_id=emp.employee_id,@User_Id=emp.User_Id,@user_name=amt.user_name,

    @s_date=leave.leave_start_dt ,

    @e_date=leave.leave_end_dt ,

    @item_code=(case when leave.half_day ='Y' then leave_type+'-H/D' else leave_type end)


    from employee_tbl emp,ats_map_tbl amt,tl_leave_tbl leave

    where employee_status='A'

    and emp.employee_id=amt.employee_id

    and emp.employee_id=leave.employee_id

    and amt.organization_id=@organization_id

    and (leave.status='A' )

    and ( ( ( leave.leave_start_dt between @start_date and @end_date)

    and (leave.leave_end_dt between @start_date and @end_date) )

    or leave.leave_start_dt >= @start_date and leave.leave_start_dt <=@end_date
    or leave.leave_end_dt >= @start_date and leave.leave_end_dt <= @end_date
    or leave.leave_start_dt <= @start_date and leave.leave_end_dt >= @end_date)

    while @@rowcount <> 0


    if @s_date < @start_date
    select @s_date = @start_date
    if @e_date > @end_date


    select @e_date = @end_date


    while (@s_date <= @e_date)
    select @day = datepart(weekday,@s_date)

    If @day != 1
    If @day != 7
    select @count = count(*) from #temp1 where ATSDATE = @s_date and emp_id=@emp_id

    If @count > 0


    update #temp1 set item_code=@item_code,half_day=@half_day where ATSDATE = @s_date and emp_id=@emp_id


    If @count < 1
    select @exp_punchin_time=asm.shiftin_time,@exp_punchout_time=asm.shiftout_time from ATS_shift_master asm, ATS_shift_empl ase
    where ase.employee_id=@emp_id and ase.shift_id=asm.shift_id
    and (ase.effective_date) = (select max(effective_date) from ATS_shift_empl where employee_id=@emp_id and effective_date <= @s_date) insert into #temp1 values
    @emp_id, @User_Id, @user_name, @s_date,
    @exp_punchin_time, '00:00:00',
    @exp_punchout_time, '00:00:00',
    ( case @item_code when 'REG' then 'null' else '00:00:00' end ),
    '00:00:00', @item_code,@half_day
    select @s_date = dateadd(day,1,@s_date)


    set nocount on
    declare c2 cursor for

    select distinct emp.employee_id,emp.User_Id,amt.user_name,
    leave.leave_start_dt as START_DATE,
    leave.leave_end_dt as END_DATE,
    (case when leave.half_day ='Y' then leave_type+'-H/D' else leave_type end)

    as item_code,leave.half_day
    from employee_tbl emp,ats_map_tbl amt,tl_leave_tbl leave
    where employee_status='A'
    and emp.employee_id=amt.employee_id
    and emp.employee_id=leave.employee_id
    and amt.organization_id=@organization_id
    and (leave.status='A' )
    and ( ( ( leave.leave_start_dt between @start_date and @end_date)
    and (leave.leave_end_dt between @start_date and @end_date) )
    or leave.leave_start_dt >= @start_date and leave.leave_start_dt <=@end_date
    or leave.leave_end_dt >= @start_date and leave.leave_end_dt <= @end_date
    or leave.leave_start_dt <= @start_date and leave.leave_end_dt >= @end_date)

    --and emp.employee_id in (select empid from #temporg)--newly added

    open c2

    fetch c2 into

    @emp_id, @User_Id,@user_name, @s_date, @e_date,@item_code,@half_day

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    if @s_date < @start_date
    select @s_date = @start_date
    if @e_date > @end_date


    select @e_date = @end_date


    while (@s_date <= @e_date)
    select @day = datepart(weekday,@s_date)

    If @day != 1
    If @day != 7
    select @count = count(*) from #temp1 where ATSDATE = @s_date and emp_id=@emp_id

    If @count > 0


    update #temp1 set item_code=@item_code,half_day=@half_day where ATSDATE = @s_date and emp_id=@emp_id


    If @count < 1
    select @exp_punchin_time=asm.shiftin_time,@exp_punchout_time=asm.shiftout_time from ATS_shift_master asm, ATS_shift_empl ase
    where ase.employee_id=@emp_id and ase.shift_id=asm.shift_id
    and (ase.effective_date) = (select max(effective_date) from ATS_shift_empl where employee_id=@emp_id and effective_date <= @s_date) insert into #temp1 values
    @emp_id, @User_Id, @user_name, @s_date,
    @exp_punchin_time, '00:00:00',
    @exp_punchout_time, '00:00:00',
    ( case @item_code when 'REG' then 'null' else '00:00:00' end ),
    '00:00:00', @item_code,@half_day
    select @s_date = dateadd(day,1,@s_date)

    fetch c2 into
    @emp_id, @User_Id,@user_name, @s_date, @e_date, @item_code ,@half_day

    close c2

    deallocate c2

    OR can anyone please tell me a better solution

    Tanx 😀

  • I would say "none"...

    I don't see anything that can't be done with a set-based solution, which performs much better. I suggest you to try to convert this into a set based update, maybe using some sort of temp table to store the data you are working with.



    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • are both same.

    can you give me some example.

    Tanx 😀

  • Eswin (6/26/2009)

    are both same.

    can you give me some example.

    Maybe if you could explain what the innards of that cursor are supposed to do, someone can help. It's rather hard reverse-engineering a cursor.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I want to fetch one row at a time and then satisfy the conditions following while @@row_count 0 and while @@fetch_status = 0 .

    Will using SELECT statement that assigns values to a variables and then using "while @@row_count 0" allow me to fetch one row at a time and perform queries on it.

    Tanx 😀

  • Eswin (6/26/2009)

    Will using SELECT statement that assigns values to a variables and then using "while @@row_count 0" allow me to fetch one row at a time and perform queries on it.

    Yes, but it's no better than a cursor. It's still row-by-row processing. I's still going to be slow. The best way to move on from here is to work out what needs doing to the resultset as a whole (not one row at a time) and convert this entire piece into set-based code.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • If you are interested in a set-based solution you might try giving us DDL, sample data and expected output in addition explaining what you are actually trying to do.

    I'm not sure if this'll help or not:


  • Hi Eswin,

    just a few thoughts while you're working on providing the data:

    - since you're using DATEPART(WEEKDAY ...) function you need to make sure that the setting for @@datefirst is a value you expect. I'd recommend to use SET DATEFIRST ... at the beginning of your proc.

    - your "double-if"

    If @day != 1


    If @day != 7


    can be replaced by IF @day >1 AND @day < 7 (in a set based solution this most probably would go the the WHERE clause)

    - you should separate the insert and the update statement in two statements. The @count condition can be replaced by EXISTS rsp. NOT EXIST (to determine what rows need to be updated and what rows need to get inserted) EDIT: or by using inner rsp. left outer join.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • For your date range search, do not use all these filters

    and ( ( ( leave.leave_start_dt between @start_date and @end_date)

    and (leave.leave_end_dt between @start_date and @end_date) )

    or leave.leave_start_dt >= @start_date and leave.leave_start_dt = @start_date and leave.leave_end_dt <= @end_date

    or leave.leave_start_dt = @end_date)

    Use this simple one instead

    and leave.leave_start_dt = @start_date

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Eswin (6/26/2009)

    I want to fetch one row at a time and then satisfy the conditions following while @@row_count 0 and while @@fetch_status = 0 .

    That would be the problem... you have already resigned yourself to working whatever this problem is to one row at a time. Stop thinking about rows... start thinking about what you want to do to a column.

    And I agree with the others. State what the problem actually is... not how you think it needs to be solved.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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