Where is the licensing mode selection screen /utility?

  • Hello,

    I installed SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition on

    -  on my Windows XP  from the computer from the Launch Event CD

    - on Windows 2003 SP1 server from the CD purchased through our Enterprise Agreement Provider.

    - I had Developer Edition CTP before

    In all cases during the installation I did not encounter any screens similar to SQL Server 2000 Licensing Utility where I had to select the licensing mode. I can not find SQL Server Licensing Utility, I searched BOL and MSDN.

    Does anyone know how I can specify or check the licensing mode?


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • It was removed from SQL Server 2005. In SQL Server 2000 it was FYI only and didn't control any server functionality. What do you want to use it for?



  • Dan,

    I would like to see if the server is installed in accordance with the purchased license. In our place we have internal/external software audits. Also, I need to make sure that I am installing correctly , again in  accordance with the license we purchased.

    Could you please post any reference that I don't have to specify the licensing mode during the installation and that there is no way to technically check the existent installation for the licensing mode? I will be very grateful for that.



    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • How did you get out of this problem? I need to do the same thing with a new client... they have everything all the way up to 2008 installed.


  • i believe for 2005/2008 you just have to have the proof of purchase for the processor licenses or user/device CALS if your per user licensing. as long as the number of licenses you have covers your environment your fine.

    There isnt a thing anymore where you have to say what your setting your licensing as, i guess in a way its a bit of a trust thing from MS but you have to be able to prove your covered if you get audited

  • Thanks a lot... I'll have to ask for a copy of the bills since I need to evaluate also if the licensing covers our actual and coming needs (changing ERP, adding servers, adding SSRS and SSIS along with a transactional website with 100s of logins)... I just want to make sure we are covered on all angles :-P.

    Thanks again for the quick reply on this holiday's sunday!

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