Where is.....

  • Hi,

    I'm looking to see if there is a way of determining whether or not a foreign key has

    Enforce Relationship For INSERTs and UPDATEs set using T-SQL.

    I can find out the Cascade Update/Delete Related Fields/Records using sp_FKeys (uses ObjectProperty(fk_id, 'CnstIsUpdateCascade')=1 etc and I've tweaked the SP to include the For Replication flag in the same manner but I can't seem to determine the state of that specific option that you see in Enterprise Manager. I can replicate the actual action with an "alter table...not for replication" but I can't find the flag/status code where its stored.

    Is there a way to produce the text like sp_HelpText for a specific foreign key then I can search for WITH NOCHECK?

    Thanks in appreciation



    I thought I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, but it was just my manager with a torch and a stack of extra work...;)

  • You may try this.

    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(rkeyid) ReferencedTable FROM sysreferences WHERE fkeyid = OBJECT_ID('ORDER DETAILS')

  • Thanks for the post.

    I think however that I've found the answer in sysconstraints status field. The Higher bits have the useful nuggets that MS was not telling us about.

    So to determine if a fk is currently not enabled ( or set as ALTER TABLE [x] NOCHECK CONSTRAINT [Key] ) I have matched it against the sysreferences, sysobjects and syscolumns and set flags based on status.


    CASE WHEN (Status & 1024)=1024 THEN 'Constraint enforced by non clustered index'

    CASE WHEN (Status & 16384)=16384 THEN 'Constraint disabled'

    CASE WHEN (Status & 32767)=32767 THEN 'Constraint enabled'

    Thanks for the help though.

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