Where If ....

  • Hi All,

    I am migrating DAO code to ADO ... in doing so, I am running into some statements that I am having difficulty translating into a single line SQL statement .... for example


    SELECT MAX( RIGHT( CustNo ) ) as MaxCustNum

    FROM Account


    IIF( LEN( CustNo ) = 9 ), LEFT( CustNo,2 ) = '01', LEFT( CustNo,2 ) = '1' )

    ADO: ????

    I know this can be implemented using a Batch/Multi-line query ... but I was wondering if there was a way to run from within one line select statement?

    Thank you.....

  • Lookup CASE in Books Online. You need to replace the IIF with CASE - but, that should be the only change.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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  • Here are a couple of different ways.

    --You can force the lenght to be 9 by concatenating and then compare.

    SELECT MAX(CustNo) as MaxCustNum

    FROM Account

    WHERE LEFT( RIGHT('000000000' + CustNo,9), 2 ) ='01'

    --You can test for both conditions in the where clause.

    SELECT MAX(CustNo) as MaxCustNum

    FROM Account

    WHERE (LEFT(CustNo,2 ) ='01' AND LEN(CustNo) = 9) OR

    (LEFT(CustNo,1 ) ='1' AND LEN(CustNo) <> 9)

    --If the field is numeric you can convert it so that the leading 0 drops.

    SELECT MAX(CustNo) as MaxCustNum

    FROM Account

    WHERE LEFT( Cast(CustNo as int), 1 ) = 1

  • Thank you ALL ... I appreciate the quick response ...

    Here is how i implemented:


    where A.[CUSTOMER NUMBER] =


    when LEN (A.[CUSTOMER NUMBER]) = 9 then

    case LEFT( A.[CUSTOMER NUMBER], 2)

    when '01' then a.[CUSTOMER NUMBER]


    case LEFT ( a.[CUSTOMER NUMBER], 1 )

    when '1' then A.[CUSTOMER NUMBER]




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