September 1, 2011 at 5:37 am
My favored spot is the first space to the right of two handicap spaces. This gives me a straight line up the walkway to the office doors. I've thought about why I picked this one. First, I arrive at the office near 6:30 a.m. and the lot is empty when I arrive. Second, I am not always the straightest parking patron. Having that extra space to the left of me when I pull it makes entry and exiting ideal. We do not have anyone who regularly uses the handicap spaces leaving them empty most of the time. So when it is rainy or snowy I can run directly to the car and swing open the door in haste without the worry of hitting the next vehicle. It is odd that if I go out at lunch and that space is taken by another employee in my absence it throughs me off. Almost like there is a shift in the universe. Then I think, wow now I have to take maybe 4 extra steps back to the office. My how cynical we have all become - like we own that spot.
September 1, 2011 at 5:46 am
I always try to park in a space and fashion that allows me a quick escape route if necessary. Right now, I take the spot that is right near the exit of the parking lot, and I back into the space (actually, I get in early enough that I just pull through, but same difference). The backing into a parking space is an ingrained habit, but it does make pulling out easier.
September 1, 2011 at 5:47 am
This thread just confirms my deep suspicion that all data people are crazy. I park my bum on the chair in my home office these days, but used to drive a yellow 1974 VW Beetle called Buttercup. At one client I always parked her in my favourite spot (on the roof of the parking garage, where she could have a nice view, and I couldn't forget which floor I'd parked on), and it got me into trouble:
One Friday evening I left the building just before 6, it was raining a bit, and just as I got to Buttercup my cellphone rang – it was a friend and colleague called Helen calling with a query about something at another client, where I had also done some work. As best as I can remember, it went something like this:
Helen: Hi, etc
Me: how are you, etc,
i.e. pleasantries exchanged
Helen: Are you still at work by any chance?
Me: No, I’m on the roof but I can talk – but let me get into the car because it’s raining and I’m getting wet.
Deathly hush.
Helen (tentatively): What are you doing on the roof?
Me (puzzled): I’m getting into the car.
Helen (very tentatively): The car? Which car?
Me (more puzzled): Buttercup, of course!
Helen (with great caution - I think she was trying to keep me calm): Buttercup is on the roof? Are you sort of planning to, like, ….float down?
Me (with equally great caution - I was trying to keep her calm): Well, I suppose I could but I usually go down the ramp.
Helen (extremely tentatively): The ramp?....
Me: (even more puzzled): Yes, at the parking garage.
Helen: starts shrieking with uncontrollable laughter. Clearly a psychotic break.
Me: What? What?
Helen (with great difficulty, still gurgling): You mean that roof!!!
Then the penny dropped on both sides and it took us about 15 minutes of howling, shrieking and rib-clutching to recover.
Do the people with the white coats offer bulk discounts, by any chance…..?
September 1, 2011 at 5:51 am
there was a mornings worth of controversy on a local radio station in south florida this week on this subject...someone who had been working for a business for 14 years has always parked in the same parking spot for a loooong time, but the parking does not have assigned spaces.
A new girl join the company, and, by virtue of getting there first, took that same spot.
the longer termed employee was offended, told the other girl "that's my spot",and the younger girl commented that it's not assigned parking, first come first served.
Not the Long termer is annoyed that she's now in a "get there earlier" competition to try and get that spot...
she called the radio station to seek advice as to wether she should got to Human Resources and complain.
September 1, 2011 at 6:03 am
In that past I would park out in front like everyone else at the small company I work for. After my car was hit for the second time, I have taken to parking across the street, next to the cornfield, where we park our semi trailers. It is approximatedly 100 yards farther away than any of the other spots, but I feel safer...
September 1, 2011 at 6:09 am
At one job in downtown Long Beach CA I worked for a software outfit in s nondescript brown building with underground parking. We shared with overflow offices for the City DA and the PD Internal Affairs Squad so there were always a variety of black and white cruisers and unmarked vehicles, usually parked in allocated spaces. Interesting to peek in the back and see groceries or kids bikes sometimes. Getting in and out of the elevators you would find folks in sports jackets, sidearms on their belts and the mandatory mustache.(males !) Definitely made the rest of us park courteously.
September 1, 2011 at 6:15 am
caroline-599293 (9/1/2011)
This thread just confirms my deep suspicion that all data people are crazy.
Look around. All people are crazy, not just the one's that work with databases. I used to think that I was somehow different than the next guy/gal, and not necessarily in a flattering way. However, as I've got older and got to know more people, I've come to believe that the only difference in people is how hidden their insanity is.
I just bought a new new house, which involved touring many houses. People know you will be in their house, and most make some effort to tidy up. However, you pick up little glimpses of their lives when you open their closets. Plus, you can deduce some things about their lives by piecing things together. e.g. This house is for sale due to a divorce, this one due to a death, this one due to financial trouble. His clothes are in the basement bedroom, her's in the master bedroom, etc. This is just one thing among many that has lead me to feel "just about average".
(Sorry to drift off topic a bit, but I'm feeling philosophical this morning.)
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September 1, 2011 at 6:27 am
My office is downtown where parking is a premium, we pay $20 per month and the office pays equal for a spot near work. Unfortunately it is a lot that is often littered with broken glass and all sorts of garbage from people wandering through it at night..i pick a spot that is normally uncluttered, am not particular about which one it is. But if i happen to be late i don't have much of a choice. Sometimes i take the bus. It is much easier than driving through downtown and parking, and cheaper too. IMHO also there is a lot of stuff around parking and it has nothing to do with database people being strange or weird..:)
September 1, 2011 at 6:27 am
Tobar (9/1/2011)
I am a consultant and I usualy park as far from the door as possible. Even though I am older than many of the employees I do this because I know I am capable of walking the further distance. I know there are some employees older and younger who can not.
Bravo! You would be amazed at how many people never give this a thought. I used to work in a medical office building at the hospital, and some of our employees would park as close as possible, even though they knew that sick and elderly patients show up every day. I have a very low opinion of such people.
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"stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."
September 1, 2011 at 6:29 am
I think I'd be inclined to agree with you there. But in my experience data people are often crazy in a nice and very funny way. (Don't get me started on the Great PotPlant Kidnapping...)
September 1, 2011 at 6:31 am
see.... now I really want to know what happened to the plant pot!
September 1, 2011 at 6:32 am
Ben Moorhouse (9/1/2011)
see.... now I really want to know what happened to the plant pot!
It got kidnapped, of course!
September 1, 2011 at 6:32 am
I tend to park on the far side of our office building for two reasons 1) that's the side of the building where my wife works, so we walk in/out together and 2) parking farther away makes me walk more, which I pretend keeps me from getting fatter. (It's not really working, but every little bit helps when you sit on your bum all day long)
I don't have any special spots, but I do have a preference in the lot, I always try to park on the outside. Too many times when parking within the lot I came out to find others whose cars had actually come into contact with mine when parking, which is lessened when parking around the outside (...round the outside, round the outside....damn Eminem)
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"stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."
September 1, 2011 at 6:34 am
I don't park randomly, but I rarely park in the spot two days in a row. My methodology for picking a parking spot at work is the same as when I'm parking at the shopping mall or an event. I bypass all the convenient spots and instead drive toward the back where there are still a lot of available spots left. The reason for that choice is: I can simply pull straight into a spot without having to manuever between adjacent cars or put myself in a squeeze when getting out. I also enjoy the walk between the car and the building.
There actually is this extra wide spot back near the dumpster that I'm fond of, however, if someone beats me to it, I don't get offended.
"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho
September 1, 2011 at 6:37 am
Ben Moorhouse (9/1/2011)
see.... now I really want to know what happened to the plant pot!
Oh of course! Doh!
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