WHERE condition..

  • I have to update records in a table and there is no unique column on basis of whci I can put join

    Update PP

    Set PP.IsPatient = P.Fpatient,

    PP.Gender = P.Fsex,

    PP.MartialTypeID = P.Frelation,

    PP.Lastvisit = P.Flastvisit,

    PP.NxtVisit = P.Fnextvisit,

    PP.LastTxNumber = P.Flasttxno,

    PP.OldAcct = P.fOldAcct,

    pp.ClaimGroup = P.fClaimGroup,

    PP.ConsultDate = P.fConsultDate,PP.usedby=P.Fusedby,

    PP.IsDeleted = P.Fdelete,

    PP.CreatedDate = P.Fwhen,

    PP.TrojanId = P.fTrojanId,

    PP.PreferMtd =P .fPreferMtd,

    PP.AllowText = P.fAllowText,

    PP.KodakID = P.fKodak,

    PP.TempHold = P.fTempHold,

    PP.TempBy = P.fTempBy,

    PP.TempWhen = P.fTempWhen,

    PP.TOD = P.fTOD

    From WCDentalSQL_VAL..Patient P

    inner join LocationMaster L on L.code COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = P.Flocation COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    inner join PatientProfile PP ON PP.FirstName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = P.Ffirstname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    AND P.Flastname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = PP.LastName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    inner join PatientLocDtl PL ON PL.PatientID = PP.PatientID


    I have a where condition on concatenation of some columns;


    but it is not working..

    can anyone help me on this..

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  • Hi,

    what exactly is not working?

  • Duplicate post removed.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • The questions is do the strings on either side actually match?

    If you turn the Update into a SELECT, and add these as columns



    Does (L.locationID+'-'+P.Faccount+'-'+P.Fpatient) =(PL.LocationID+'-'+PL.Chart_No)

    You can also simplify this to have

    inner join PatientLocDtl PL ON PL.PatientID = PP.PatientID

    AND L.LocationId=PL.LocationId



    You might also have a problem with the collations, as I see you are Indicating a common Collation on the JOIN statements, is there a reason for this?

    Edit : to read better.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Arthur,


    is not working.

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • pls apply ltrim(rtrim()) function where class columns.....

  • Jason,

    I replace line with your lines as :

    inner join PatientLocDtl PL ON PL.PatientID = PP.PatientID

    AND L.LocationId=PL.LocationId



    But I am getting error as I was getting before-

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '0-1 ' to data type int.

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  • Ok, this indicates that PL.ChartNo is a numeric is that correct?

    In which case why would this LocationId+'-'+Chart_no (Possible "ASD-12345") ever equal Location_Id + '-' + P.Faccount+'-'+P.FPatient which has a possible combination of "ASD-546-123".

    I would start with Writing the update as a Select and dropping the where clause adding in (L.locationID+'-'+P.Faccount+'-'+P.Fpatient) and (PL.LocationID+'-'+PL.Chart_No) as additional columns and checking if they actually match, in terms of format etc.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Yes, PL.ChartNo is numeric...

    LocationId+'-'+Chart_no will comes as 1-1 not ASD-12


    how can I update as a Select and dropping the where clause adding in (L.locationID+'-'+P.Faccount+'-'+P.Fpatient) and (PL.LocationID+'-'+PL.Chart_No) as additional columns

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • Basically just remove the Update and SET and replace them with a Select


    Gender = P.Fsex,

    MartialTypeID = P.Frelation,

    Lastvisit = P.Flastvisit,

    NxtVisit = P.Fnextvisit,

    LastTxNumber = P.Flasttxno,

    OldAcct = P.fOldAcct,

    ClaimGroup = P.fClaimGroup,

    ConsultDate = P.fConsultDate,PP.usedby=P.Fusedby,

    IsDeleted = P.Fdelete,

    CreatedDate = P.Fwhen,

    TrojanId = P.fTrojanId,

    PreferMtd =P .fPreferMtd,

    AllowText = P.fAllowText,

    KodakID = P.fKodak,

    TempHold = P.fTempHold,

    TempBy = P.fTempBy,

    TempWhen = P.fTempWhen,

    TOD = P.fTOD,

    --New cols



    From WCDentalSQL_VAL..Patient P

    inner join LocationMaster L on L.code COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = P.Flocation COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    inner join PatientProfile PP ON PP.FirstName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = P.Ffirstname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    AND P.Flastname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = PP.LastName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    inner join PatientLocDtl PL ON PL.PatientID = PP.PatientID

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • kapil_kk (11/2/2012)

    Yes, PL.ChartNo is numeric...

    LocationId+'-'+Chart_no will comes as 1-1 not ASD-12


    how can I update as a Select and dropping the where clause adding in (L.locationID+'-'+P.Faccount+'-'+P.Fpatient) and (PL.LocationID+'-'+PL.Chart_No) as additional columns

    we dont have any idea what your data looks like, or its datatype.

    But consdier this will a string in the format 'nnn-nnn-nnn' equal a string in the format 'nnn-nnn' where nnn are numbers, eg does '123-123-123' = '123-123'

    Which is effectively what you are doing in the current where clause.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Jason,

    I have changed my query as:



    PP.IsPatient = P.Fpatient,

    PP.Gender = P.Fsex,

    PP.MartialTypeID = P.Frelation,

    PP.Lastvisit = P.Flastvisit,

    PP.NxtVisit = P.Fnextvisit,

    PP.LastTxNumber = P.Flasttxno,

    PP.OldAcct = P.fOldAcct,

    pp.ClaimGroup = P.fClaimGroup,

    PP.ConsultDate = P.fConsultDate,PP.usedby=P.Fusedby,

    PP.IsDeleted = P.Fdelete,

    PP.CreatedDate = P.Fwhen,

    PP.TrojanId = P.fTrojanId,

    PP.PreferMtd =P .fPreferMtd,

    PP.AllowText = P.fAllowText,

    PP.KodakID = P.fKodak,

    PP.TempHold = P.fTempHold,

    PP.TempBy = P.fTempBy,

    PP.TempWhen = P.fTempWhen,

    PP.TOD = P.fTOD,

    (L.locationID+'-'+P.Faccount+'-'+P.Fpatient)as Compare1,

    (PL.LocationID+'-'+PL.Chart_No) as Compare2)

    From WCDentalSQL_VAL..Patient P

    inner join LocationMaster L on L.code COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = P.Flocation COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    inner join PatientProfile PP ON PP.FirstName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = P.Ffirstname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    AND P.Flastname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = PP.LastName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    inner join PatientLocDtl PL ON PL.PatientID = PP.PatientID

    where Compare1=Comapre2

    but still I am getting error:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

    Incorrect syntax near '='.

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  • Run this select without any alterations.


    Gender = P.Fsex,

    MartialTypeID = P.Frelation,

    Lastvisit = P.Flastvisit,

    NxtVisit = P.Fnextvisit,

    LastTxNumber = P.Flasttxno,

    OldAcct = P.fOldAcct,

    ClaimGroup = P.fClaimGroup,

    ConsultDate = P.fConsultDate,PP.usedby=P.Fusedby,

    IsDeleted = P.Fdelete,

    CreatedDate = P.Fwhen,

    TrojanId = P.fTrojanId,

    PreferMtd =P .fPreferMtd,

    AllowText = P.fAllowText,

    KodakID = P.fKodak,

    TempHold = P.fTempHold,

    TempBy = P.fTempBy,

    TempWhen = P.fTempWhen,

    TOD = P.fTOD,

    --New cols

    (L.locationID+'-'+P.Faccount+'-'+P.Fpatient) Compare1,

    (PL.LocationID+'-'+PL.Chart_No) Compare2

    From WCDentalSQL_VAL..Patient P

    inner join LocationMaster L on L.code COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = P.Flocation COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    inner join PatientProfile PP ON PP.FirstName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = P.Ffirstname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    AND P.Flastname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = PP.LastName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    inner join PatientLocDtl PL ON PL.PatientID = PP.PatientID

    What we want to do is find out why the data set isnt working, so we need to compare the new columns with each other to see what the issue is and this can really only be done by a manual check.

    as the aim of this is to see what the contents of the column Compare1 and Compare2 are.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Jason,

    I run your without making any changes and get the following error:

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '1-1 ' to data type int.

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • Ok, so I've now put in an impicit cast on each column of Compare1 and Compare2, there was also an error on the Useby column which I'd missed.


    Gender = P.Fsex,

    MartialTypeID = P.Frelation,

    Lastvisit = P.Flastvisit,

    NxtVisit = P.Fnextvisit,

    LastTxNumber = P.Flasttxno,

    OldAcct = P.fOldAcct,

    ClaimGroup = P.fClaimGroup,

    ConsultDate = P.fConsultDate,


    IsDeleted = P.Fdelete,

    CreatedDate = P.Fwhen,

    TrojanId = P.fTrojanId,

    PreferMtd =P .fPreferMtd,

    AllowText = P.fAllowText,

    KodakID = P.fKodak,

    TempHold = P.fTempHold,

    TempBy = P.fTempBy,

    TempWhen = P.fTempWhen,

    TOD = P.fTOD,

    --New cols

    convert(NVARCHAR(50),L.locationID)+'-'+convert(NVARCHAR(50),P.Faccount)+'-'+convert(Nvarchar(50),P.Fpatient) Compare1,

    convert(Nvarchar(50),PL.LocationID)+'-'+convert(Nvarchar(50),PL.Chart_No) Compare2

    From WCDentalSQL_VAL..Patient P

    inner join LocationMaster L on L.code COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = P.Flocation COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    inner join PatientProfile PP ON PP.FirstName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = P.Ffirstname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    AND P.Flastname COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI = PP.LastName COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI

    inner join PatientLocDtl PL ON PL.PatientID = PP.PatientID

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

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