where clause need to pull datetime column for yesterday at 3:00 pm to current time

  • I have a query, I need to build in a where clause based on a datetime field. The where clause needs to filter data for that datetime column based on Yesterdays date at 3:00 pm to current date/time. So I know I need to use between "something" and getdate(). I just don't know how to construct the "something". do I do something like this?

    declare @yesterday datetime

    Set @yesterday = getdate() -1

    between @yesterday and getdate()

    what I am not understanding is how do I say yesterday at 3:00 pm?

    I hope this makes sense.

    thank you!

  • So you want to use dateadd to move your date to yesterday. Then if it needs to be 3pm, you need to do some casting. You will need to get just the date, and then add in your specific time (3:00pm or 15:00) and then concatenate and cast back to a date value

    My suggestion is to build a SELECT first that just gets you the value in the variable, then then build the WHERE clause. I tend to do

    WHERE date > @yesterday

    and date < getdate()

  • I should have said that I was pretty new to developing, so I kind of understand your terminology, but could you give me an example.

  • BTW, Thank you for responding!

  • The following sample will add 15 hours to the day before today ( GETDATE()-1 ), normalized to the beginning of the day using a common dateadd/datediff routine.

    DECLARE @yesterday DATETIME

    SET @yesterday = DATEADD(hh,15,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-1),0))

    SELECT @yesterday

    I wouldn't use any varchar concatenation though...

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  • DECLARE @Yesterday datetime

    SET @Yesterday = CONVERT(DATE,GETDATE() - 1)

    SELECT DATEADD(HH,15,@YesterDay)

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  • This top one works - THANK YOU!

    DECLARE @yesterday DATETIME

    SET @yesterday = DATEADD(hh,15,DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,0,GETDATE()-1),0))

    SELECT @yesterday

    this one gives me an error: That says DATE is invalid.. not sure if I was suppose to put something else there instead of DATE anway, I have a solution so Thanks for helping!

    DECLARE @Yesterday datetime

    SET @Yesterday = CONVERT(DATE,GETDATE()- 1)

    SELECT DATEADD(HH,15,@YesterDay)

    You guys RAWK! all of you! Thanks for responding

  • The second is likely failing because you're not in SQL 2008 (or your DB is set to a lower compatibility level).

    #2 doesn't work without the "simpler date" data type, so just use the one that works.

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  • The most compact way to find yesterday at 3pm is:


    Works on SQL Server 2005 and 2008.


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