Where clause in a variable?

  • Below I've posted code to a select statement in a SP of mine.  I'm trying to dynamically create the where clause based off of a value in the variable @JoyOrder.

     Basically this "and" part of the where clause needs executed.  When I paste this in a separate sql script and run it, it returns the correct data, but here it does not,  By the way the  @PackDate  variable is passed and is 11/02/2004 (it's a char data type).

    So what am I doing wrong in the select below?




    Declare @JoyClause varchar(2000)

       if @JoyOrder = 1


          set @JoyClause = '  and (ltrim(pck_hdr.cust_num) =  ''103'' OR ltrim(pck_hdr.cust_num) = ''104'' ) '


    declare PckHdrCrs cursor local static for

        select  *

       from pck_hdr

       where convert(varchar,pck_hdr.pack_date,101) = @PackDate  + @JoyClause

  • Have a look here



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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