Where clause depending of parameter

  • Can somebody help me to write one query instead of 2 ones.

    declare @parm smallint

    if @parm is null

     SELECT * FROM  table1

     WHERE col is null 


     SELECT * FROM  table1

     WHERE col=@parm

    something like this one

    SELECT *  FROM  table1

     WHERE (ISNULL(col,@parm)=@parm ) 

    But it returns me records with  null and with  value in the column.

     I want to return records  or with null, or with values in the column depending of parameter

    thanks in advance

  • Hi Lina,

    You can use case when statement for your reqirment.

    declare @parm smallint

    set @parm =10

    select * from table1 where id = case @parm  when null then null else @parm end



  • select * from table1 where id = case @parm  when null then null else @parm end

    where id = null...

    Have you tried that before posting?

    What's wrong with these two queries?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Hey Lina,

    declare @parm smallint

    Select * from Table1 Where Isnull(COL,'<NULL>') = Isnull ( @parm ,'<NULL>')



  • Can you post an example where this will work?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Your code is fine, Lina - but if you really want to avoid IF/ELSE solution, then try this:

    create table #table1(id int identity, col varchar(10))

    insert into #table1 values ('yes')

    insert into #table1 values ('no')

    insert into #table1 values (NULL)

    insert into #table1 values (NULL)

    DECLARE @parm varchar (10)

    SELECT * FROM  #table1

    WHERE (col IS NULL AND @parm IS NULL) OR (@parm IS NOT NULL AND col = @parm)

    SET @parm = 'yes'

    SELECT * FROM  #table1

    WHERE (col IS NULL AND @parm IS NULL) OR (@parm IS NOT NULL AND col = @parm)


    id          col       

    ----------- ----------

              3 NULL

              4 NULL

    (2 row(s) affected)

    id          col       

    ----------- ----------

              1 yes

    (1 row(s) affected)

  • Vladan's example is probably going to be the best example, if you want to keep everything in one single SQL statement.

    In general you want to avoid using functions in WHERE clauses (such as ISNULL) because SQL Server will be unable to use indexes.

    Personally though, I would stick with the original query, in which you had IF..ELSE.

    Think of it... Say you have a table with 1 million rows in it, in the one query example, above, you are asking SQL Server to select data out of a 1 million row table based on two clauses.

    In the two query example, using IF...ELSE..., SQL Server will only have to run the query based on 1 clause.  The IF @Param IS NULL is not going to take any time at all to be evaluated.

    Using the two queries may seem a bit tedious but it will be better performing as far as SQL Server is concerned.


  • Almost forgot:

    You could always set ANSI_NULLS OFF and then just run the one query as follows:


    SELECT * FROM  table1

     WHERE col=@parm


    With ANSI_NULLS OFF, the equals sign "=" can evaluate null values.

  • Thanks to everybody who tried to help me.

    Karl, your solution with ANSI_NULLS is great, but your explanation convinced me to use 2 queries.

    Frank, Maths! Your solutions don't work . They don't return me records with null in the column if the parameter is null.


    With best regards,


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