July 1, 2009 at 2:54 am
Have application running except for the reports. I can"t figure out where reports are placed. Using IIS6 with ASP.NET and SQL Server for the database. All programs work and allow for input and queries from the database but the reports do not work. I placed them in the app_code folder but when the application is published they do not get published to the site. I've also tried putting them in the virtual directory set up in Sql Server Reporting services but still get the reporting.reportserverconnection, app_code unhandled exception with the error being the line:
July 1, 2009 at 4:51 am
From my exprience, the .rdls are built in the VS2005/BI (if running SQLServer 2005) and then from there deployed to the Report Server (http://servername/reports) where you access them from the Report Server and manage them from the Report Manager (http://reportservername/reportmanager).
Hope that helps, I'm a realtive newbie, too. And it is hard inheriting someone elses stuff.:-)
July 1, 2009 at 6:45 am
You can deploy from VS as mentioned, but if you just want to get the reports up there and worry about that later.... You can do the following:
Browse to http://servername/reports or reports$instance name and click upload. You can import the RDL files directly into Reporting Services. The only thing to watch out for is that you need to go into properties, datasource and update them to point at the shared datasource file assuming you use them and they aren't hard coded.
We don't use VS at all to rollout reports, we use a mix of manual and rsscripter.
July 1, 2009 at 7:49 am
Good info, but how are you building the reports? We use SQL Server 2005, which has the BIDevStudio (aka VS2005) and that's were I build. Being self taught all this, I like to know what other options I may have choose from. I would like to try your method, can you give more info!:-)
July 1, 2009 at 8:38 am
We are using SSL and https is required. But when I do https://websitename/reports it goes to https://websitename/reports/Pages/Folder.aspx and gives a "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized." I have called myself giving myself sa privileges. It does prompt for my CaC card before it fails. The rest of the website is totally functioning.
July 1, 2009 at 8:47 am
That is the address for the site so what address is the site working at if not that one? You can connect to Reporting Services from SSMS instead and do the same work.#
We use VS to build the reports, we just don't use it to deploy them.
July 1, 2009 at 9:14 pm
The rest of the website works fine. It's just that everytime a report is called it fails. See my original note.
https://website/reports or https://website/reports$INSTANCE fails as noted above with a 401 unauthorizec when trying to configure reports or post the reports.
what can I do to get the https://website/reports or https://website/reportmanager to working so I can use the reports. The whole application needs to be working including the reports.
Appreciate any insight.
July 2, 2009 at 8:48 am
finally got https://website/reportserver to show directories for my application and actually manually run reports....after I got SQL Server BI to deploy the reports....but https://website/reports still gives a 401 error and although my app works with all the other .aspx programs when I do a https://website it gives the
Reporting.ReporServerConnection, App_Code error when the app tries to call up reports. It really looks like the app just does not locate the reportviewer.aspx program or it can't find the reports. I've tried all the registry fixes I've found worked with permissions, etc. Any ideas?
July 5, 2009 at 4:03 am
Got reports where reports services can be configured now. Added the Folder.aspx to the documents portion of the Reports properties in IIS management. But now I still cannot call the reportviewer to access the reports from my .aspx programs. They are trying to call reportview passing /personnelreports/programname.rdl and personnelreports is a subfolder below the virtual drive in iis /reportserver
So that the report programs have been uploaded in https://website/reports into the virtual directory /reportserver/personnelreports/ as reportnames.rdl -
getting this error when the .aspx calls the report: Server Error in '/' Application.
Reporting.ReportServerConnection, App_Code' could not be found
Description: An unhandled exception occurred
Exception Details: Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.InvalidConfigFileTypeException: Any comments that would me in the right direction would be appreciated
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