Where am i going wrong with this IF Exist Else

  • Can someone please let me know where i am going wrong in this code snippet...its when i try to place the set @Loop = @Loop + 1.

    Basically trying to go thru a list and if the table already exists then to skip it and move to the next.

    All  comments and help super appreciated.  Thanks

    DECLARE @Loop INT,
       @cmd VARCHAR(MAX),
       @rc INT,
            @TB VARCHAR(130) 

    -- I am creates a new temporary table with a sequential ID (and no gaps), 
    -- so I can loop by it:
    use AS400Schema
    into #Tables
    FROM [AS400Schema].[dbo].[schemanames] where TableSchema = 'AECF' and TableType = 'Base Table'

    SET @rc = @@ROWCOUNT 

    SET @Loop = 1 

    -- Looping on table names, dropping and recreating each: 
    WHILE @Loop <= @rc 

     SET @cmd = ''  /*Set @cmd = 'use test3 IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE Type = ''U''' +
          'AND name = ''' + @TB + ''') DROP TABLE [' + @TB + '];' +
          'SELECT * INTO dbo.[' + @TB + '] ' +
          'FROM [AS400Schema].[dbo].[schemanames]' */
     --Print @cmd         
    /******  My issue is in here someplace   ****/
     SELECT @cmd = 'use AEC_BPCS IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE Type = ''U''' +
          'AND name = ''' + @TB + ''') BEGIN SET '@Loop = @Loop + 1' END' + ' ELSE '+
          'SELECT * INTO dbo.[' + @TB + '] ' +
          'FROM [AS400].[RCHASE5C].[AECF].[' + @TB + ']'
        Print @cmd 

     EXEC (@cmd)
     SET @Loop = @Loop + 1 

    DROP TABLE #Tables


  • What error is being thrown, or what is it doing that it's not supposed to?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • Thanks for the reply... The error is
    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
    Incorrect syntax near '@Loop = @Loop + 1'.

    If there is another way to loop thru this i am okay with it but i know its VERY close to being there..


  • Remove the single quote around @Loop = @Loop + 1

    AND name = ''' + @TB + ''') BEGIN SET '@Loop = @Loop + 1' END' + ' ELSE '+

  • Thank you for your reply

    When i remove the single quote that is around the @Loop = @Loop + 1  i still get the same error. which is
    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 39
    Incorrect syntax near '@Loop'.

    I can make the code run PERFECTLY  as long as i am  NOT using the ELSE  but i need to use that so that i can pick up where it left off (table constraint error) and NOT re-import a few hundred thousand entries and 2+ hours time.  hahaha


  • So your code now looks like this?:
    ' +
        'FROM [AS400].[RCHASE5C].[AECF].[' + @TB + ']'"]

    I'm not getting a syntax error with it.

  • Actually, I think the problem is your dynamic SQL doesn't recognize the variable (@Loop)
    ' +
        'FROM [AS400].[RCHASE5C].[AECF].[' + @TB + '] END' "]

  • Thanks so much for the help... it compiles and runs but returns this error
    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 1
    Must declare the scalar variable "@Loop".

    Which i dont understand because its declared at the very top as my very first declaration

    Thanks for helping.


  • You also need to declare the @Loop variable in your dynamic SQL because it executes a s separate batch* and so any previously declared variables will not be available.  Try changing the affected part to this:

    SELECT @cmd = 'use AEC_BPCS
    DECLARE @loop INT
    IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE Type = ''U''' +
    'AND name = ''' + @TB + ''') BEGIN SET @Loop = @Loop + 1 END' + ' ELSE '+
    'SELECT * INTO dbo.[' + @TB + '] ' +
    'FROM [AS400].[RCHASE5C].[AECF].[' + @TB + ']'
    Print @cmd

    * I'll stand to be corrected on the details here but the point is the same.

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  • SUCCESS!!!!!!!!

    Thank to all... Greatly appreciated on all the assistance from anyone that replied or read the post

    Currently  the code is running and like i  said  hopefully i have my logic correct as to where it will only populate new tables and not ones that are already in existence.

    Thanks again


  • Just wanted to point out that the @loop increment inside the dynamic SQL will not carry through to @loop increment outside the dynamic SQL
    Again it depends how you are actually using this variable . Pointing it out as I see you are incrementing @loop twice


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