When using XML ?

  • Consider i have @strAmt as parameter to a stored procedure.

    I need to

    Create Usp_TX(@strAmtD varchar(10)


    declare @doc int,@UpdBal varchar(1500)

    set @UpdBal='<ROOT<Upd CrAmt="0" DrAmt="785710.52" LID="1546" CID="BM" FYr="2006-2007"/>  <Upd CrAmt="785710.52" DrAmt="0" LID="2241" CID="BM" FYr="2006-2007"/> </ROOT>'

        EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @Doc OUTPUT, @UpdBal

     Update  Ledger

     set AprAmtD= AprAmtD+DrAmt,

          AprAmtC =AprAmtC + CrAmt,

            CurBalD=CurBalD+DrAmt, CurBalC=CurBalC+CrAmt

            from openxml(@Doc,'/ROOT/Upd',3)

            with  (   CrAmt numeric(18,2),

            DrAmt numeric(18,2),

            LID varchar(10),

            CID varchar(15),

            FYr varchar(15) )

            where CompanyID=CID and Finyear=FYr  and  LedgerID=LID

     EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @Doc

    The above code works fine.

    But consider that i get the field name (i.e. AprAmtD dynamically in the variable @strAmtD)

    then my code goes like this

    declare @strquery varchar(2500)

    set @strquery = ' Update  Ledger

     set ' + @strAmtD + '=' + @strAmtD+ '+DrAmt,' +

          @strAmtC+ '=' + @strAmtC+ '+CrAmt,

            CurBalD=CurBalD+DrAmt, CurBalC=CurBalC+CrAmt

            from openxml('+cast(@Doc as int)+',''/ROOT/Upd'',3)

            with  (   CrAmt numeric(18,2),

            DrAmt numeric(18,2),

            LID varchar(10),

            CID varchar(15),

            FYr varchar(15) )

            where CompanyID=CID and Finyear=FYr  and  LedgerID=LID'

    exec (@strquery)

    But this does not work.

    Any help appreciated.



  • Hi,

    you write:

    "But consider that i get the field name (i.e. AprAmtD dynamically in the variable @strAmtD)"

    Does that mean @strAmtD contains BOTH the column name and the value?

    If so, then you need to parse it first into two parts. What you are doing now in the dynamic SQL is using the same string as a column name and a value for it. That can't be correct. You need something like

    set @strquery = ' Update  Ledger

     set ' + SUBSTRING( @strAmtD, x, y) + '=' + SUBSTRING( @strAmtD, z, q)+ '+DrAmt,' .....

    Not knowing the structure of @strAmtD, I have no idea how to parse it best. This is just a hint in what direction to explore. To be honest, I don't think column name and value should be passed together in one parameter - but maybe it is something independent from you, one of these facts you can't change. If you can pass it as two parameters, do so and you'll be able to avoid this decomposition of a string.

  • I modified your query a lil since I don t have the target table for update


    declare @doc int,@UpdBal varchar(1500)

    set @UpdBal='<ROOT> <Upd CrAmt="0" DrAmt="785710.52" LID="1546" CID="BM" FYr="2006-2007"/>  <Upd CrAmt="785710.52" DrAmt="0" LID="2241" CID="BM" FYr="2006-2007"/> </ROOT>'

        EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @Doc OUTPUT, @UpdBal

    declare @strAmtD varchar(250)

    SET @strAmtD='LID'

    declare @strAmtC varchar(250)

    SET @strAmtC='CID'


    DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500)

    SET @ParmDefinition = N'@docI int'

    declare @strquery nvarchar(2500)

    set @strquery = ' SELECT ' + @strAmtD+ ',' + @strAmtC+ ', DrAmt

            from openxml(@docI,''/ROOT/Upd'',3)

            with  (   CrAmt numeric(18,2),

            DrAmt numeric(18,2),

            LID varchar(10),

            CID varchar(15),

            FYr varchar(15) )'

    PRINT @strquery

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @strquery, @ParmDefinition,@docI = @doc


    Kindest Regards,


  • Thank a lot Vasc. It works . Great. !!


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