When to use SQL Server 2012 Server/CAL

  • Hi,

    Please let me know when we should use

    SQL Server 2012 - Server/CAL whether it is Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition SQL Server


    Nikhil P Desai

  • Just like anything else "it depends". In SQL 2012 there is no more CAL based licensing for Enterprise edition however if you have CAL licenses in 2008R2 you can transfer up to 20 cores towards enterprise edition for SQL 2012. CAL licensing option is available for standard edition in SQL 2012 but you can only scale up to 24 cores on a standard edition.

    We currently do use CAL based license for our semi DW environment because we know that there wouldn't be more than 100 connections to that server. I don't know the exact number on top of my head but i think it is $400 for each cal + $1000 for each server. For ex if you have a web based application accessible through outside world you would want to go on core based license. Really depends on your environment. Here[/url] you can find more details.

  • I'll say the same thing I always say about licensing questions on SQL Server. Go straight to the people who are going to audit you, Microsoft. They determine what's in license and what's out, so they will have the best answers to the questions around licensing.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

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